COMMENT | More pressing matters involving billions to investigate

COMMENT | While we all will agree that significant cases of corruption should be investigated and prosecuted, it is common sense that priority should be given to those which involve much more money, where the sums run into billions.

The returns on investigating these are likely to be much bigger and we would be in a much better position to get the sharks instead of the minuscule ikan bilis (anchovies) which many of us like to consume with our daily nasi lemak.

Over the last two days, we waited with bated breath for some serious charges to be levelled against some seriously big buaya (crocodiles) but that was not to be.


Yes, it involved a few million in bribes but being Malaysian, we are used to people stealing, embezzling, or getting contracts unfairly, etc, in the billions of ringgit.

It is a rather sad reflection of the times and of our poor, pillaged country that the public sits up and takes intense notice only when... 

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