COMMENT | Confusion over fatwa on attending non-Muslim rituals

“If you’re still confused, please see the state mufti for further clarification,” - Johor Sultan

COMMENT | As a non-Muslim in this country who wants to respect the two-way street of religious tolerance, I have to say I am confused when it comes to the latest fatwa in Johor prohibiting Muslims from attending and participating in religious rituals of other faiths in the state.

The Johor sultan in consenting to this fatwa said that this is “in no way in conflict with interfaith values of tolerance, unity and understanding as espoused under the ‘Bangsa Johor’ concept.”


Maybe the problem is that I am confused with the Bangsa Johor concept. I wonder if it is in conflict with the Malaysia Madani concept or is it the other way around?

If that were not confusing enough, the...

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