COMMENT | When Anwar Ibrahim became prime minister on Nov 24 last year, it was against all odds and expectations at that time. But as unsatisfactory as the coalition that he heads is, Anwar has an opportunity to begin the process of reform this country sorely needs.

It’s now more than two months of what many hope is a five-year or 60-month term - that’s more than three percent of the period he has - and the clock ticks relentlessly. It is time for Anwar to start the process of putting things in order and getting a move on.

Three visits to neighbouring countries in a space of eight weeks hardly inspire confidence that he is focused on the key problems facing Malaysia and gives the impression that he is more interested in cultivating relationships regionally.


But at least, he has got the core problem facing the country right when he identified corruption as the number one issue, correctly naming it as the main threat to Malay survival and the health of the country.... 

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