COMMENT | Can PKR survive Anwar's failed strategies?
“Every party decision is made collectively. Regardless of the outcome, we must take responsibility.”

-  PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail

COMMENT | It is that time again. The time when Pakatan Harapan goes into circular firing squad mode and reminds rational Malaysians why the opposition could not organise orgies in a brothel, much less dethrone a kleptocratic regime.

While the Harapan base is in a state of apathy and frustration and the country polarised along racial and religious policies, the linchpin of Harapan – PKR – which is supposed to hold the coalition together is involved in a protracted internal fight for political relevance.

The always combative – which is a good thing – Saifuddin Nasution is already waging a very public war – which is a not such good thing – with outlier personalities to prop up Anwar Ibrahim who has suffered set back after setback and imperilled the coalition with his political plays that border on the delusional.

If Saifuddin really believed in accountability, then the PKR political apparatus is to blame for the party’s abysmal performance for the past couple of years.

Not to mention, if decisions are truly made collectively, that the people leading PKR knew Anwar was...

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