
COMMENT | Wishing readers a Selamat Hari reduced Raya.

I hope it’s obvious to all that festivities leading to funerals is no way to go.

Hopefully, also, for a couple of days, politicians will cease their juvenile posturing and name-calling and declaration of servitude, and pretend to be friend to all.

Unfortunately for us, they will be back soon enough, mouthing the clichéd alibi of having listened to the people, having suffered watching their suffering, to justify their betrayals of trust.


What people? How many people? A few met in a hotel café, or clandestinely in a room above? How many people were invited to have dinner at Azmin Ali’s house or the Sheraton?

The people are always the last to have a say in the governance of their affairs, and only after something has been decided and done for their “good”...

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