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I thought that after The Rolling Stones, rock and roll will no longer evolve to its most "dangerous" form. I was wrong. Listen to these two pieces of music here and here .

Can you understand the lyrics and figure out the harmony? What images come to your mind?

Now, read the entry below:

"The black metal scene gained some unsought mass media attention in 1991 when Mayhem's frontman Dead ( left ) committed suicide by a shotgun blast to his head. His note simply read "Excuse all the blood". The ammunition was supplied by Varg Vikernes.

"His body was discovered by Aarseth who, instead of calling the police, ran to a nearby convenience store and bought a disposable camera which he used to photograph the corpse for a future Mayhem album cover ( Dawn of the Black Hearts ). Apocryphal reports also claim that he then took some pieces of Dead's splattered brains and made a stew out of them and/or members of the band took bone fragments from their friend's skull and made necklaces out of them."

So reads two paragraphs from Wikipedia, on the beginning of Death Metal music.

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