COMMENT | Our schools are in trouble. Our society is in crisis. Our nation is at risk. Our children are in need of the right to be intelligent.

Hence, talks about a revamped curriculum is good. Contrary to what has been imagined, it is not a monumental task.

Some would give the excuse that Rome was not built in a day. But we have a system in place. We have many blueprints. Yet we are producing more and more disenfranchised youth, especially in the urban areas.

Drug abuse, drag racing past midnight, dread in our children’s minds, and devastation of the political, ecological and cultural spheres continue to plague our nation – these are consequences of a school system that do not retain student attendance, and spark imaginations and propel new creations.


I write based on my 30 years of experience as an educator and studying best practices in other countries. I wish to see the best happening in ours.

Below are thoughts of a dream school for Malaysians that I hope people in power are interested in - to help nurture the multiple intelligences of the powerless. To help our nation move out of this quagmire.

What does a new breed of school with a totally revamped curriculum look like? Of schools that will ignite the genius in each child? Of one in which together as Malaysians, we eliminate racism and apartheid in the system, according to the principles proposed by the United Nations (Icerd).

In short, how do we initiate a renaissance of the Malaysian mind, through a renewed philosophy, paradigm, process, pedagogy, and through a culture that leaves no child behind?...

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