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COMMENT | It was business as usual at the monthly board of directors meeting of the Port Klang Authority (PKA) in September 2010. When it came to the last item on the agenda -- Under “Any Other Matters”, there was pin-drop silence when one man spoke. Without mincing his words, he spoke with conviction.

“When I left this organisation 10 years ago, I left behind RM450 million in reserves. Today, PKA is on the verge of insolvency. Those responsible must pay for it,” thundered M Rajasingam, a career port man who had served the port for 33 years, retiring as its general manager.

He then moved a motion to institute legal action against the 29 directors who sat on the board in the preceding years for failing to exercise and fulfil their fiduciary duties.

They included two former ministers, an MP, senior government officials and representatives from three political parties. Understandably, only two other hands went up in support – those of PKA chairperson Lee Hwa Beng and independent director Ng Mann Chong.

Only Ng remained when the cull took place. Rajasingam’s term was not extended when it expired two months later. This was despite the board recommending his re-appointment as it felt his experience would be useful. Lee too, was shown the door after his two-year term expired in April 2011.

These events reveal the “I scratch your back, you scratch mine” mentality which was prevalent in the past. Both were removed because it was perceived that the duo was “going after the minister’s friends”...

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