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Progressing to University: A self-discovery journey
Published:  Dec 16, 2022 9:42 AM
Updated: 1:42 AM

Furthering one’s studies into tertiary education has always been something that many look forward to in their lives. Many of us have always been told since young that our years in university will be some of the best years of our lives. It is then, that we are given the opportunity to obtain a deeper understanding of our chosen subjects. It is then, that we are given the opportunity to form connections with people who may very well last a lifetime. And it is then, that we may even begin to slowly learn who we are.

After finishing high school and having completed my IGCSEs back in June of 2021, I was stuck at a crossroad. Despite knowing that I always wanted to further my studies after my secondary education, I was still confused and was lost as to what I wanted to study. After about at least half a year of introspection, self-reflection, and research, I ultimately decided on studying SACE International (SACEi) at Taylor’s College. 

I ended up choosing SACEi as I simply was not ready to commit to a specific programme yet. In a way, you could say I was afraid of making a decision that I might regret. At the same time however, I was also not fond of the idea of me taking on a full gap year. Having spent the last of my high school years online in a pandemic, I was just dying to go to college once the situation had gotten better and classes were finally able to resume face-to-face operations. 

Being a part of the SACEi February Intake, I was able to complete the whole of my programme in under a year from February to November of 2022. I can confidently say that the programme offered me the time to really think about, and better decide on what I want to pursue.

With the myriad of assignments that we had; I learned how to better manage my time as SACEi does not only consist of exams. In fact, the exams only make up 30% of the final grade. The other 70% is through coursework that are assigned and done throughout the year. In my opinion, this allowed for one to be more consistent and better gauge their current level of understanding of a subject matter. The assignments that we get are also very research heavy. It encourages the use of critical thinking as we are required to analyse and read between the lines of information and data that may not necessarily be easy to understand or applied in our assignments. 

The lecturers were definitely a real godsent. Aside from being knowledgeable in their subjects and taught it well, they were also kind, patient, engaging and helpful. The best part was the fact that all my lecturers were just generally friendly and sociable. It was great in a sense that I actually looked forward to class just to meet and socialise with them. This then further motivated me to better pay attention and learn in class.  

My overall experience with SACEi is one that I will always cherish for many years to come. To me, it was a rollercoaster ride of emotions. While it was stressful, it was also fun, exciting, and engaging. I truly enjoyed my time at Taylor’s College and what I experienced has shaped me to be an all-rounded person. At the same time, the programme also offered me the opportunity to continue learning new information and acquire new skills which I would not have otherwise obtained myself. I believed that what I learned throughout the year has prepared me better for when I continue my studies at Taylor’s University in March next year.

Progressing to Taylor’s University is honestly pretty scary yet, I am excited to experience it. But I guess that mixed emotions is all part of the process of growing up and moving on to the next chapter of life. 

If I had to give one reason as to why I chose to progress with Taylors, it would definitely be the environment. Despite being located in the middle of a bustling city, Taylor’s managed to incorporate nature so effortlessly and beautifully. There were even times throughout the year when I had forgotten I was in a city. I was only reminded when I heard the beautiful discordance of car honks and sirens wailing in the background. I also genuinely believe that Taylor’s offers a conducive environment for studying while also offering access to the fun of city life without being too far from campus. In a sense, it is a good balance of both. 

Truth be told, I genuinely believe that I would not have been able to complete the course successfully if I did not have the amazing support system that I had. My family, friends, and lecturers all have helped to bring my mind back into focus whenever I strayed off my path. In fact, me finally figuring out what to do next was thanks to my support system as well. Earlier in the course, I consulted each of my lecturers on what one should do for their future. Each of them gave varying opinions and point of views but I believe that was what made their opinions so valuable and offered me great insights as I was able to really look at things from multiple angles. 

Studies aside, I would say that the highlight of my year was the fact that I was able to experience and enjoy my college life. Both the good and bad experiences of college life, which I have had over the year are invaluable in my growth and betterment as a person. And I will never change it for anything else. 

Wan Muhamad Haiqal is a SACEi graduate from Taylor’s College who will be progressing his studies at Taylor’s University.

This content is provided by Taylor’s College.

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