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LETTER | No need to polemicise interfaith guidelines

LETTER | MIC deputy president M Saravanan has urged the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Na’im Mokhtar to exercise caution when addressing sensitive issues that could disrupt the nation’s racial and religious harmony.

I would, however, humbly, urge Saravanan to read the minister's written reply.

The reply is an answer to Question No 46 by Permatang Pauh MP Muhammad Fawwaz Mohamad Jan which can be read here.

In paragraph six of the reply, the minister refers to “Garis Panduan 2005” - that is “Garis Panduan Orang Islam Turut Merayakan Hari Kebesaran Agama Orang Bukan Islam” issued by the National Council of Islamic Religious Affairs (MKI) Fatwa Committee at its 68th meeting on April 12, 2005.

The 2005 guidelines can be read here.

So, there have been guidelines for Muslims attending non-Muslim events or celebrations for almost 20 years.

Honest answer

I thought the minister's reply was an honest answer to an honest question.

The minister did not hide the existence of the 2005 guidelines and factually disclosed the current “work” to improve on the guidelines.

Na’im has since clarified that the guidelines are advisory in nature and aimed at fostering “social and cultural” harmony among Malaysia’s multi-religious society.

He reiterates the proposed “improved” guidelines are still undergoing consultations with the relevant authorities, including state Islamic religious councils, and will be reviewed when the muzakarah committee of the National Council of Religious Affairs (MKI) meets from Feb 25 to 27.

It is also there in the minister’s written reply.

As the minister has urged, let's not polemicise the matter. Engage with the minister on the current and proposed improved guidelines.

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