From Our Readers

A lot of words have been spilled on the comments of the two sexist MPs (Kinabatangan: Bung Mokhtar Radin, Jasin: Mohd Said Yusof). Allow me to add some of my own.

To compare the incompetency, corruption and mismanagement of good-for-nothing bureaucrats to the life-giving natural cycle of a woman is vulgar and distasteful on so many levels.

As a son, the two MPs (and those who defended them) insulted their mothers, aunts and grandmothers. As a brother, they insulted their sisters and cousins. As a co-worker, they insulted their colleagues.

And above all, as a Muslim, they insulted the Creator. There doesn't seem to be a strong enough word to condemn such odious, juvenile and utterly disgusting bile that comes out from their collective mouths.

I want to call them 'kurang ajar', but that does not even carry one tenth of my disgust with these buffoons. One thing is certain, they are 'bocor' every time they open their big mouths.

They may provide good distraction for a while, but it is time to re-ask the very question that prompted this whole sideshow, namely, who is responsible for the leaky plumbing in Putrajaya and in the Parliament building.

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