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COMMENT | More than a week has passed since Kuala Kedah MP Ahmad Fakhruddin Fakhrurazi expressed his worries in Parliament that artificial intelligence (AI) may eventually replace the ustaz.

Our self-serving politicians and our kangkung academics, who the auditor-general confirmed churned out over 1,000 “unsatisfactory” papers last year at the cost of RM148 million, have yet to respond to his sincere concerns. Why this wall of silence?

Where are our “pemimpin” who are so easily outraged over socks and sandwiches?

Are they waiting for a new set of standard operating procedures on how to comment on matters such as these? Or are they lying in wait to ambush the “other” when we wade into this matter?

Perhaps they are merely continuing our grand tradition of being the blissfully happy katak dibawah tempurung, secure in the cool comfort of the old coconut shell.

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