‘We may have survived for the past 50 years, but I don't think we can for the next, with such despicable and low-blow politics.’
On BN may face backlash over takeover
Disgruntled Young Man: I am deeply disappointed by the decision of Sultan Azlan Shah not to dissolve the state assembly to pave way for a snap election.
I have great respect for the royal institution. I thought I could count on the rulers of the land to make wise decisions for the benefit of the people; it seems that I have misplaced my faith in royalty.
As for the power coup by Barisan Nasional, this is the only conclusion I can arrive to - BN bought PR members over with all necessary means, and it really shows how dirty Malaysian politics really is.
I am sure such dirty tactics were employed in the past, way before I was born, but to see it with my own eyes, it pains me very much.
We may have survived for the past 50 years, but I don't think we can for the next, with such despicable and low-blow politics.
Should BN successfully take control of the Perak state government, I would have no faith in such a government, simply because it has no mandate from the rakyat .
No. I don't think I can count on them, because Malaysian history says so and the younger generations are all products of such a history.
If the people, especially the Perak folks, have no say in this ridiculous political sandiwara, then I don't think there is any more hope for this country.
Maximadman: There are several good things that will come out of this. This episode shows defections are not an acceptable means of forming a government and it is indeed valuable experience for PR leaders on how to handle defections more prudently.
BN readily took away the problem that would have been posed if the two assemblyman charged with corruption were found guilty. Already, in my opinion, they are tainted and thank god, PKR does not have to deal with this matter anymore
Once an Umno person, always an Umno person in their ways and means. The Umno person was planted in and this should serve as a painful lesson to PKR in particular.
Among the rakyat, Najib's credibility will now be eroded further and remember this, he will be leading the country next month!
BN and in particular, Umno's credibility will be eroded further; thus making PR's job easier come any election or by-election provided PR stays united
Most importantly, as a multi-cultured society such as us, a government made up of all races is imperative for stability and peace. So seriously, there would discontents soon among the BN members and Perakians that this new state government is, in fact, 90% Umno ruled.
Don’t you think so? Maximum madness, man!
T Kakata: The turncoat who crossed from Umno to PKR was part of a plot to blame PR for starting the ‘game’. It was nicely adopted from The Art of War .
Sad day for democracy indeed. I hope PR will be more patient and smarter the next time.
Disappointed Rakyat: We Malaysians will always remember these four names that betrayed the people of Perak and also Malaysians. But remember this:
Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat,
Satu hari nanti skan jatuh ke tanah juga.
Let them be suffer in the other world. May God bless the opposition and all the raykat .
Feel Cheated: Perak society must not have anything to do with the three and that includes their family members. This for having deceived our trust.
Betrayed and Shattered Citizen: I feel sick to the core that a duly elected government can be toppled by the acts of four politicians who have betrayed the trust of the people who elected them.
I feel insulted as a Malaysian that ‘grasshopper politicians’ can tell blatant lies about being sick and taking a rest at home while they were actually holed up with our soon-to-be PM to bargain and sell their dignity(indignity) to the highest bidder.
But most of all I feel shattered by the action of a sultan I had such a high regard for before this shameful episode in our nation's history. For him to take sides and to allow the present elected government to be packed off so suddenly and so roughly is just beyond comprehension.
The four grasshopper YBs, where is your moral sense and maruah ? How are you going to live with your conscience for the rest of your lives?
Soon-to be PM Najib, what is there really to be proud of when you win by dirty tricks? It is only a hollow victory and it will come back and haunt you very soon.
Tuanku Sultan Azlan Shah, what happened to your wisdom and sense of fairness?
Kamparians: We, the people of Perak fully support the transition of our government from Pakatan Rakyat to Barisan Nasional.
The transition of the state government is based on the rules and legislation of the Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak.
We hope Pakatan Rakyat supporters would be rational and accept the decision made by the Sultan of Perak and obey His Highness’ decision.
They should not go against the ruler’s decision or get angry. The majority of the Perak people have rejected the Pakatan Rakyat leadership because during the past 11 months, they only took care of a certain community and give them all they wished.
This the main factor why the Perak people are angry and want the replacement of the Pakatan Rakyat government.
For BN leadership, this is the time you must work extensively for all communities of Perak. Long live BN.
Ashvin Raj: I would like to highlight a main difference between Anwar's attempt of Sept 16 to form a new government and what's going on in Perak. Anwar said that he had the numbers. He did not say that he ‘bought them’ for a price.
Anwar only gave a call but no money was offered. In this Perak case, a statutory declaration made by a PKR member strongly alleges that money ranging in the millions was offered to Pakatan YBs in order to entice them to crossover.
In this sense, money is the main difference here. I doubt PKR offered any sum of money to BN reps to join Pakatan, as they don't have access to huge federal funds, unlike BN which has millions of ringgit as the federal government of the day.
What has happened in Perak is cowardice to say the least. The people's mandate had not been given to BN to rule Perak, but to Pakatan.
I don't blame the Sultan of Perak, but Najib and his cronies for enticing politicians from Pakatan to join them. This is most shameful and cowardly in that they used a bait of millions of ringgit to lure them.
Were there any monies offered by Pakatan to any BN rep before Sept 16 to join Pakatan and form a new federal government?
Of course, it is ethically wrong to hop from one party to another. But my point here is this, who has the stronger bargaining power when it comes to enticing YBs to crossover?
Certainly it is the one with the most funds and assets accumulated over the past 50 years and that is none other than the corrupt BN regime led by Najib.
Smart Alec: How much salary would a clerk, postman or an army captain get? Or for that matter, how much would an state assemblyperson get? Possibly about RM6000 per month.
Let assume that a state rep gets about RM10,000 per month or RM120,000 per year. And if they managed to survive for the next five years they would get RM600,000.
Now with a couple of million ringgit dangling in their face, it would be damned stupid of them not to sell their morality and soul.
The bottom line is who cares about the rakyat. As long as my pocket is lined up with cash, I can retire gracefully.
Little do they realise that their karma is slowly but surely building up day by day.
GH Kok: Okay, let's calm down and think. What should we do with the three katak ? I say send letters, e-mails and make phone calls to their home and service centres.
They still need to turn up at the state assembly (I think) so let's hold placards at every sitting showing loudly what we think of them.
Over and over again until the next GE. Send petitions to the remaining state assembly persons- remind them of their obligation to their constituents.
Let us all remember that ‘the price of democracy is eternal vigilance’. It is not enough to vote once every four years.
Lim Chong Leong: While it is correct to say that it was Anwar who started inviting MPs to crossover, he was always open for a snap election when a vote of no-confidence was to have been passed against Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s government.
Pakatan leaders have always justified crossovers only to show a vote of no-confidence against the BN leadership. Thereafter Parliament can be dissolved and new elections called.
Now Najib, if he hears the people of Perak, should seek the dissolution of the Perak assembly and call for a new mandate. But would he dare to do so?
Laumeng: I voted for the first time on March 8, 2008 and I had hope. But this hope only lasted for 11 months until yesterday.
The Perak scenario has truly shown how politicians act once they are elected. Once they are elected, they tend to forget what they have promised and now this is where we are back at, back to square one of those days.
Time will heal the wound and the scars will remind us how they were formed. A lesson we must learn is to have a more creditable and trustworthy representative in the coming election.
Malaysia will be better after this lesson and to the Perakians, stay strong and calm. Do not let this drama spoil the good name of Perak.
H Ti: I'm as tired of BN as most of your readers, but Pakatan is a growing disappointment. Only a small handful of those writing in have noticed that the awful thing BN is doing in Perak is precisely what Pakatan tried to do on the federal scale.
What disappoints me about Pakatan is the hypocritical stance they are taking - being so outraged about the whole thing. If I am wrong (and I do hope I am) and there is a real difference between what BN is doing and what Pakatan tried to do, please let the Pakatan leaders explain it to the people.
If there isn't any real difference, then back off and accept that you have lost this round. Better to lose a battle than to lose the confidence of the people. Don’t treat the people like idiots, the way BN has been doing all these years.
As for everyone's disbelief that these individuals can switch sides, the law clearly allows it. The post of MP or state rep belongs to individual and not the party.
This is not an oversight in our Malaysian constitution, as it appears to be the same with most parliamentary systems around the world.
There must be a reason why it is like this but I'm not well educated enough to know it. Maybe some should educate us.
RJ Manecksha: If Najib feels as satisfied as he looked yesterday in the company of the treasonable trio, perhaps he has forgotten that he lost for the Barisan two important by-elections and have won none.
He should also keep in mind that the office he will inherit in Umno is just that, an inheritance. There were no elections. Najib is untested in combat and unlikely to survive one.
Jeremy Tankh: All Perakians in specific, and all Malaysians in general, who love democracy, should tie a black ribbon to their cars to mark and mourn the death of democracy in Perak.