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'Is this the kind of leader we want?'
Published:  Oct 16, 2008 9:19 AM
Updated: 6:15 AM

vox populi big thumbnail 'I really shudder at the approaching future. Our next PM will have so many ‘scandalous baggage' accompanying him. Is politics in Malaysia really at this level?'

On Najib nominations rise despite allegations

Appum: I really shudder at the approaching future. Our next PM will have so many ‘scandalous baggage' accompanying him. Is this the kind of leader we want?

Does Malaysia or Umno for that matter lack people of honour, integrity and forthrightness to be leaders of this nation?

Obviously, Umno illustrates it lacks all those moral values because a person with all such notorious accusations is still gaining the most nominations.

Is politics in Malaysia really at this level? If a minister one can just opt for a defence contract that is RM1.5 billion more expensive than others without a proper evaluation, what more when he becomes a PM with all the powers in his hand?

He will then squander away the wealth of this nation. I supposed and it's alright with Umno and the Barisan Nasional because they are all in the same boat ‘harvesting' the peoples' taxes and the nation's natural resources.


These Umno people probably figure that Najib may be possibly so corrupt now even as DPM, imagine what he could do for them when he becomes PM.

All these Umno people will probably rush to kiss his hand in fighting to get a piece of the pie.

On Najib: No abuse of power in SMS, will explain chopper deal

Hal: Poor Najib. He is clueless. He fails to comprehend that his words hold no value and his integrity is being questioned by the rakyat .

Najib will have to earn his keep - starting with putting all his energy behind Abdullah to install a truly independent judiciary, in correcting all the wrong amendments to the constitution and removing all laws hindering human rights, freedom of expression and growth of democratic institutions.

What is the point of ascending to the premiership only to crowned as the shortest-serving prime minister in Malaysian history?

On Letter questions 'shady' chopper deal

BJ Fernandez: It was reported that India will soon sign a contract with Russia to receive 80 Mi-17 multi-role helicopters in a deal that is estimated to be worth US$1 billion.

If Malaysia had opted for the Russian copter, we would have received 48 copters instead of the 12 Eurocopters for US$600 million.

Incidentally, India scrapped a Eurocopter deal after allegations of corruption involving middlemen. The Indian defence department apparently does not allow for any third party to be involved in such deals.

The current bidding and evaluation process by our defence ministry needs to be reassessed thoroughly and answers must be sought if this deal is similar to the submarine deal that involved heavy commissions.

On PAC to discuss helicopter deal

KSN: Why is the PAC jumping the gun? Is it to cover up and endorse that everything has been ‘properly done'?

It is the ACA which must be on this job already and the auditor-general who must investigate the matter and report - not the PAC who must wait for the auditor-general's report.

Only God can save the country now.Let us all pray that He interferes and interferes with urgency.

On PM: Let Tan explain bumiputera remarks

Concerned Citizen:

I am very concerned once again about another racial hurricane that is about to be created by some uncalled for remarks regarding Tan's keynote address to the Gerakan Wanita delegates.

Before one begins hurling inaccurate accusations at an innocent non-malicious MP, one has to be fair and objective by first studying the original speech. What was her message to the delegates?

She was merely appealing to work towards racial unity. Quoting the origins of the races was her way of getting the people to stop harping on the matter but to move forward and work for unity and harmony.

There was no insinuation that the Malays are pendatang . In fact. no word such as pendatang was mentioned in her text.

So please, all citizens let us stop all this. Our economy is of utmost concern. We need a stable political scenario to help the market to recuperate.

On Amirsham: Our economy not under threat

Peter Yew: I am extremely worried by the way our BN government is handling the current economic crisis.

When Amirsham said that we do not need an alternative plan to manage the oncoming crisis, he is putting the entire nation at risk. Is this political talk or what?

With an inexperienced finance minister in charge, we certainly need a strong advisory role from Amirsham. Does the captain tell the crew that the Titanic is oaky when he sees it approaching an iceberg?

Any sane person would be taking evasive action. In the 2004 tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people, there was no alternative plan simply because they never anticipated the disaster.

But now we are seeing recession looming before us and it is very irresponsible and unprofessional of Amirsham, as an ex-banker, to give this sort of reply.

Our economy is already hit and what we want to hear from the government as to what steps we need to take to minimise the damage should the worst-case scenario occur - not avoid the issue with a stupid reply like this.

On Nominations will not determine victory

Garry Khoo:

Without abolishing the 30% nomination quota for the top Umno post, it is impossible for talented candidates to fight for the Umno president's seat.

Thus, the message delivered to the rakyat is that it is impossible to have democracy in our country Malaysia.

With Najib as the next PM, we can see that the power transitions in Umno are basically designed for ‘family members only'.

Mukhriz or Khairy will be the next Umno youth chief which traditionally become one of the party's vice-presidents.

I have a very simple question for Umno: ‘Why did you reduce the powers of the Rulers when you yourselves act like a king?'

On Indelible ink: No action against complainants

Jesmine: I am speechless, Nazri Abdul Aziz when you said that, ‘... no action will be taken against those who had lodged police reports on the indelible ink smuggling allegations'.

I may not be part of a Bukit Aman team but have you not understood that when a police report is made, you must investigate the case and not ignore it and make such stupendous remarks!

And to speak in this manner in parliament - have we not been laughed enough at by our neighboring countries?

You also said: ‘Whether the reports are untrue or not, it is not important'. What? Is this the kind of MPs we have running the country?

I hope the complainants do not stop due to the Attorney-General Chambers' classification of the matter under ‘no further action'. This is not acceptable. We must press on.

On Gov't cuts petrol, diesel prices by 6.1%


Can you help me ask why industrial diesel (a non-subsidised item) is RM2.07 while subsidised diesel at our pumps is RM2.20?

Industrial grade diesel is same as that from the pump (correct me if I am wrong). We use it to run our Hiluxes, Sorentos, lorries and buses with no problem.

On Lim deflects criticism over Queensbay land deal

Ong Chiaw Hong: Critics of the Queensbay land deal are correct in claiming that Section 76 of the National Land Code (NLC)1965 stipulates that the state cannot dispose of any part of the foreshore or sea-bed for a period exceeding 99 years.

However, I believe that perhaps those critics have overlooked the fact that after any part of the foreshore and the seabed has been reclaimed in such a way that the entire land is now above the shore line (high water mark), then such land has ceased to be part of the foreshore or seabed, and the restriction on the disposal of foreshore and seabed does not apply to such reclaimed land.

Therefore if the freehold title ('title in perpetuity' is the proper term) was registered and issued after the completion of the reclamation works, then such title in perpetuity was issued in accordance with Section 76 of the National Land Code because the land in question was not part of the foreshore or seabed at the time the title in perpetuity was registered and issued.

The original leasehold title was perhaps registered and issued when the land in question was still part of the foreshore and/or seabed.

In April this year when the leasehold title was surrendered and a new title in perpetuity was registered and issued, the land had been completely reclaimed from the sea and was not part of the foreshore or seabed anymore.

Therefore I do not see any infringement of Section 76 of the National Land Code by the Penang government.

On Najib should preserve sanctity of PM's office

Fatima Abdullah:

The Golden Rule for all, especially for our leaders and that is ‘Do to others what you would have them do unto you' If only this is put into practise, there would be peace and prosperity.

Our leaders want us to listen to them but they must first learn to listen to the cries of the people. They can get ideas and wisdom from them. Only then can they get ideas on how to serve us better.

Leaders would not like to be put in prison for nothing without a fair trial. So see that they themselves do not simply put people in prison under the ISA.

Would the leaders like us to keep the ISA for them? If not, abolish the ISA. We don't like them to use it on us nor do we want to use the ISA on them.

Would the leaders like us to respect them? They must first learn to respect us also. Laws are for everyone, leaders and citizens alike.

It would be double standard if the laws are for the citizens only and not for the leaders. Remember in the eyes of God, we are all equal.

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