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Makkal Osai ban out of line
Published:  Aug 27, 2007 10:45 AM
Updated: Jan 29, 2008 10:21 AM

People are just too sensitive and impulsive on issues related to race and religion - hearing without understanding, looking without seeing, and speaking without thinking.

On Behind the Makkal Osai's suspension ...

George Yap: Come now, stop and think. A picture can say different things to different people. That picture illustrates a story - it did not show Jesus actually smoking and drinking - that would have been very unacceptable. What was the message about? Urging people to repent? Urging people to stop smoking and drinking? The Christian faith was given as an example ?

If that is it, what was so wrong? That picture now illustrates Jesus 'in control' of those vices. A picture in a newspaper of a police officer holding a plastic bag of cocaine does not mean that the police officer is a drug taker - the picture only just illustrates the report of a drug bust. So, how many of those who complained and criticised Makkal Osai have actually read and understood the caption or have they only seen the picture ?

Because of the circumstances (racial and religious prejudices, discords and tensions) in the country, people are just too sensitive and impulsive on issues related to race and religion - hearing without understanding, looking without seeing, and speaking without thinking.

Peter Ooi: It is very much regretted that such a drastic action has been taken against the daily. A mistake had been done and without doubt the picture had insulted a large number of Christians. But on the other hand, the apology was almost instantaneous when the party concerned knew about the mistake. I believe that the apology was sincere.

As a Christian, I would forgive him for he knew not what he is doing. I am sure a vast majority of Christians would concur with me. In punishing the newspaper what do we get? Nothing. Instead it is inflicting pains and suffering on the employees and family members who depend very much on the income.

On ths score, I would appreciate very much if more Christians could join me in prayer for the lifting of the suspension of the daily.

Joseph Paul: The suspension goes against the spirit of the religion which the government is purportedly trying to 'protect'.

Though I have not had an opportunity to see the so-called offending graphic, based on its description, I, as a Christian, do not find it offensive when taken in the proper context. After all, the message of the graphic was one of forgiveness and repentance, and I would even go one step further to commend the daily for propagating the message of Jesus to its readers.

The harsh criticism and the punishment meted out on the Makkal Osai by the 'custodians of public morality' is reminiscent of the actions of the religious leaders who were shocked to see Jesus interacting with prostitutes, tax collectors and other 'undesirable people' in the society in which He lived.

Based on my understanding of Christianity I am sure that Jesus would have wanted us to accept the apology (I am not even sure that He would have wanted an apology) and move on with life. He would perhaps be 'bemused' like the Catholic Archbishop at the alacrity with which the government acted to suspend Makkal Osai .

Instead of persecuting the Makkal Osai I would urge the government to focus on more pressing issues of corruption, transparency and poor governance which continue to plague the people.

Lee Kian Chin: I read with shock that the Tamil daily - Makkal Osai got suspended for one month. It is appropriate to ask the daily for a public apology, which they did. It is too severe a punishment to suspend them for one month. What better opportunity it is to show the forgiving heart of Christ than this? Are we giving Christianity a better image to others through this outcome? Will the livelihood of the workers there threatened? Are we feeling happier with such a ban? An eye for an eye?

Also, Church leaders must be alert about the whole situation and the social-political context of the region that they are living in. The current suspension is upon a Tamil daily - would the government suspend a Malay daily for the same act? I heard that this daily is a rival to another Tamil daily that is pro-Samy Vellu. Could there be some hidden political agenda in this whole fuzz? Are we Christians being used in this case?

I appeal to all to use whatever means available to express our stand as Christians to forgive the daily, and to ask for the lift the suspension.

A Well-travelled Christian: I am a practicing Christian and Jesus is very dear to me. I also believe that homosexual practices are not allowed in Christianity.

However, I was disturbed to read that certain Christians have called for the banning of Makkal Osai over the smoking Jesus picture, and also of certain Christians who want the government to take action against Ouyang's church for homosexuals.

I think history has shown that it is very dangerous to get governments to enforce religion. As Christians, we must be good examples and be a positive influence on the people around us. But to call for government action on behalf of the faith short-circuits this. From a Christian standpoint, there is no point making people conform outwardly when in their hearts they are still rebelling.

On We didn't beg to enter Federation of Malaya

Hornbill: I wholeheartedly agree with the above. It's a fact that we Sarawakian do not see the benefits of being in the political jungle in which the Peninsular is inhibiting. There is no such eminent racial tension here as experienced in the Peninsular.

Here, we come to accept each other's culture and lifestyles without letting jealousy get in the way. Only in this way, can harmony exist. Sad to see a nation degrade as corrupted politicians rule when it should in fact be prospering after 44 years. For four decades, I've have seen the decline - all my life that is.

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