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PAS muktamar resolves to cut ties with PKR

MUKTAMAR | The 63rd PAS muktamar, the party's highest decision making body, has resolved to cut ties with PKR after 18 years of cooperation.

The motion was adopted by the muktamar after overwhelming majority voted in agreement.

However, the matter was still subject to the agreement of the party's syura council, which does not have executive powers in itself, but is highly influential and is able to advise the party's central committee.

The motion was tabled by ulama wing delegate Zulkifli Ismail.

"I, representing the PAS ulama wing, all the other wings and divisions, present this motion. In the past, PAS has had tahaluf siyasi (cooperation) with many parties.

"For this muktamar, we propose that tahaluf siyasi between PAS and PKR be terminated, contingent on (a decision by) the syura council.

"We leave this decision to the syura council," he said.

PKR's 'sins'

Among Zulkifli reasons for this was PKR's support for Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) during the Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar by-elections last year.

Another reason was that PKR did not support PAS' efforts to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, better known as Act 355.

"Instead, they were standing with DAP which strongly opposed the amendments to Act 355.

"PKR leaders' public statements, which were clearly kurang ajar (uncouth), showed how rude they are to PAS, which does not reflect their loyalty to friends," Zulkifli added.

The motion was seconded by Pengkalan Chepa PAS division delegate Ahmad Fadli Saari, who urged the syura council to expedite the matter.

He cited the 'Kajang Move' and how PKR had "stole" PAS' Tumpat MP as reasons for breaking ties. Tumpat MP Kamarudin Jaafar had left PAS in 2015 and joined PKR the same year. 

He also criticised PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli for not making good his promise to unveil corruption in Kelantan's logging industry.

Following this, muktamar chairperson Hussin Ismail asked the floor if they accepted this motion and was met with roar of "setuju" (we agree), with many delegates rising to their feet.

Motion based on party's policies

Earlier, Zulkifli said his motion was based on guidelines stated in PAS' constitution.

"Cooperation must be between parties to uphold Islam, to enforce the Muslim community's position and to open the space for Islam to be implemented.

"Cooperation must be ensured based on defending Islamic policies.

"Responsibility (to lead the coalition) must be given to a leader from the Islamic movement, and not to an ally in the coalition.

"Cooperation must become the space and platform to propagate Islam. The goal of Islam is not to allow absolute cooperation," he stressed.

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