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Zan Azlee’s article speaks behind our face masks

YOURSAY | ‘A Muslim raised in an under-siege belief is a vital asset to Umno and PAS.’

How lucky! Malay Muslims don’t need to think

Anonymous_1421806811: Writer Zan Azlee has written a good article. Muslims in Malaysia seem to prefer to let the religious authorities decide what is good and right for them rather than using their own reason and judgement.

On Judgement Day, are they going to say, "Oh I'm brainless. My religious leaders do all the thinking for me?”

As a Muslim myself, I am saddened by the actions of our religious elite who places priorities over minor issues and neglect the major messages of God in the Quran.

Freedom of religion, justice, equality, pursuit of knowledge and the use of one's reason - all of these core principles of the Quran are brushed aside.

I wonder how many Muslims are aware that on the Last Day, Prophet Mohammad himself said, "My Lord, my followers have abandoned this Quran."

This statement is more significant now than ever before.

Anonymous_3f49: Someone said the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (Jakim) and such agencies are seemingly the greatest enemies of the Malays in more ways than one.

They are allocated more than a billion ringgit of precious public money that the nation now can ill-afford to supposedly generate religious distrust, tension and disharmony amongst the electorate. How can this be considered doing God's work?

The Malay Muslims need to start doing more critical thinking themselves and not let 'others' do it for them as the writer is commendably suggesting, and spend the Jakim’s billion in ways that better benefits the poor struggling rakyat.

Vijay47: Zan, your article is inspiring and has given me some ideas on how we as a nation can forge forward and achieve various objectives in one fell swoop.

First, I, a Christian, should be allowed to get into the latest Muslim ventures, which would show the world the truth about Najib Abdul Razak's ‘Moderate Malaysia’.

As a shareholder of Valet Doa, I would place an agent in Makkah or other places God favours, armed only with a laptop. Then to fulfil doa applications from Malaysia, I would just email them to the agent and voila, we earn economy in operations.

Quran lessons in the air are brilliant, they bring us closer to God, assuming he resides in that neighbourhood. In keeping with the latest fashion, these planes can be equipped with a few coffins to give students a feel of the afterlife.

Finally, for those who cannot afford online doa or space lessons, we can have a Loans Division - Rambo Tan Ah Long is a friend of mine.

Anonymous_3f49, your thoughts and those of many others here, are right and we are all on the same page. You suggest that "Muslim Malays start doing more critical thinking." Do you think that will ever happen, that it would be allowed to happen?

A Muslim raised in an under-siege belief is a vital asset to Umno, PAS and their agencies, the passion that these parties can arouse only serves to draw the Muslims against the convenient baying enemy represented by Christians and non-Muslims. The practice of Islam in Malaysia has become a cauldron of venom, of hatred and animosity.

Other than some lonely voices like Zan, Marina Mahathir, Mariam Mokhtar and Sisters In Islam (SIS), do Muslim politicians ever evoke the nobler facets of their own religion? Do we ever hear of compassion, charity, love and tolerance?

What does PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang propose? One hundred lashes and years of imprisonment. Surely a faith is more, much more than just punishment?

When Umno and PAS finally see the light, if they do, it would be a cold day in hell.

Watan: I like Zan’s article simply because it speaks right behind our face masks and exposes our values. It hits hard on people with crooked thoughts chasing for self-glorification.

The Analyser: Please, Zan, don’t limit your criticisms only to the Malays, because your comments apply equally to all Malaysians.

The heading should be "are not allowed to think" instead of "don’t need to think". Malaysians simply are never encouraged to think for themselves.

Mummy is always on hand to tell you what to do, mostly it’s to tell you what not to do. Daddy is preserved from the role of child raising, his role is money raising, and anyway so few Malaysian men have little they can pass on to their children that to attempt would be to embarrass both parent and child.

Where parents leave off, schools with their obsession with discipline and learning by rote take over and manage the suppress Malaysian children's thinking skills perfectly. Never question, never understand, never analyse is the dogma of education.

BernieBaby: "Only God will answer prayers, not humans," said Jakim director-general Othman Mustapha.

He's been allocated RM1 billion by the Malaysian government for his department services and he already has shot himself in the foot with the above statement.

Expect Malay Muslims to get even luckier here on earth but rest assured that only God has the power to place them in heaven.

We should be more concerned with aliens (outer space ones, not the North Koreans) paying us a visit and claiming to be god.

Anonymous 2457571486440266: I enjoyed your comment, Zan. Good to see that at least someone in Malaysia still has the academic skill to utilise sarcasm and irony in an effective manner.

However, Malaysiakini being a somewhat independent platform with readers of a more open mindset (at least I would like to think so), your message would be more striking on other platforms.

At least, that way your comment would be more effective in reaching your intended targets.

Keturunan Malaysia: There are many like Zan Azlees out there who prefer to remain silent for purposes best known to themselves.

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