Dr Edmund Terence Gomez, the top Universiti Malaya academic who was 'forced' to quit and later reinstated, tells malaysiakini on what should be done to reform our universities in this second of a three-part series.

Malaysiakini: Do you think the controversy over your secondment is a reflection of a crisis in education?

Gomez: I don't think my problem is unique. I know many other lecturers who left the university because they had tried unsuccessfully to bring about changes. They had spoken up, they left deeply disillusioned. Their attempts to bring about reforms had gone unheeded. I think this problem also exists in other universities, such as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as well as Universiti Putra Malaysia. I will let the lecturers from these universities tell their own stories. I'm hoping more lecturers from other universities will come forward and speak about these issues.

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