Are you affected by redelineation? This tool will tell you in 3 steps

With the objection period for the Election Commission’s constituency redelineation proposals drawing to a close this Saturday, electoral reform movement Bersih is ramping up its campaign to gather support to oppose the redelineation process it believes is unconstitutional.

Among others, Bersih says, the proposal breaches the constitutional guarantee that the weight of each vote will be equal across Malaysia, and that electoral boundaries reflect community ties.

The federal opposition parties are also up in arms against the redelineation, arguing that the proposals shave off their winning majorities in various constituencies, and round up opposition supporters into 'super constituencies' to benefit BN.

The EC is compelled to hear every objection. An objection can only be submitted if it has the support of at least 100 voters in the constituency.

How do you know if you're affected? You can head to the EC's public viewing centre in your local area, or you can use Malaysiakini's redelineation checker to find out in three easy steps.


Simply choose your state, state constituency and voting district from the drop down menu below, and our tool will tell you if you're affected and how to object.

The tool works for all states but Sarawak, as the state completed its redelineation process before the state polls in May.

[Editor's note: Please click here if you cannot see the drop down menu below]

READ ALSO: Your Kiniguide to the redelineation process

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