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Zahid: Don't question AG's decision on Najib
Published:  Jan 26, 2016 11:50 PM
Updated: 3:54 PM

Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi today said that 'no one should question the competence or independence of Malaysia's institutions or our legal process.'

He was referring to the announcement by Attorney-General Mohamad Apandi Ali earlier today clearing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak of wrongdoing following graft probes into the RM2.6 billion political donation affair and RM42 million from former 1MDB subsidiary, SRC International.

"I note today's statement by the attorney-general regarding the donation. The investigations that led to the attorney-general's findings were painstaking and comprehensive, examining every detail and piece of evidence," said Zahid in his statement.

He defended Najib's move in accepting the donation describing him as a forward-thinking man who only wanted to help the rakyat.

"As has been made clear, there were no conditions attached to the donations which were made to the prime minister personally out of belief in him and his leadership on key issues.

"I know this myself, having met the donor. It was the prime minister who chose to use the donations for the benefit of our party and needy communities around Malaysia," said Zahid.

False allegations

The deputy prime minister added that while political brickbats and mudslinging were to be expected in politics, such practices should not be at the expense of national interests.

"As politicians, we are prepared to be attacked by opponents who want to damage our reputations with false allegations in order to replace us.

“However, it is wrong to damage the reputation of the government and the country for personal gain. National interest must supersede personal interest," he said.

‎Zahid also echoed Najib's call that it was time to now move on as the matter has been resolved.

"We have spent enough time distracted by this matter. I call on everyone to move on. Now we must unite and move forward under the prime minister's leadership for the betterment of Malaysia.

“He is the right person to lead us through the current global economic storm and the security threats we are facing," said Zahid who is also the Bagan Datoh MP.

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