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'Don't keep M'sians in the dark over ongoing MACC probe'

COMMENT The first two weeks of the year have been dominated by news stories of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) investigations into the RM 2.6 billion “donation” and the 1MDB scandals respectively, despite the political leadership incessantly trying to pretend that all is well.

This is certainly not a good start for Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s administration, as 2016 begins in a shroud of uncertainty and gloom for the country.

The continuing oil price slump, and forced budget revisions for 2016, spells a difficult year ahead, and news of US fund managers recommending a pull away by investors, due to massive government corruption, has strengthened the Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) calls for urgent completion into investigations, for without which our nation will be on a further downslide.

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