YOURSAY | ‘He makes more political statements than some politicians.’
Arul blames opposition again for 1MDB's poor image
GE14Now!: 1MDB chief Arul Kanda Kandasamy, it is also a factual matter (to use your words) that when buyers know you are selling because you are desperate, they will drive the price down.
Your total incompetence, along with that of your political boss, resulted in RM1 million turning into a RM42 billion debt.
If that is not out-of-this-world-mind-blowing incompetency, then I have no idea what is. So for you to blame others is quite rich, isn't it?
We might have just as well say that 1MDB could have got better deals if you and the PM were not in the equation.
The entire 1MDB debacle smells of corruption and ineptitude. Take the blame for it, Arul.
But since you prefer to put the blame on someone else, then lay it at the feet of a certain son of a former PM whom the nation is remembering these days, for it is certainly him who is to be blamed.
Basically: Arul is getting more and more pathetic. Maybe that's what his key performance indicator (KPI) is.
Sir, not telling investors the truth about your corporation to get better value for your asset sales in any language is called lying. It's like selling a house without telling the buyer the roof is rotten and could collapse in six months.
Besides, the 'assets' you have sold to rescue 1MDB from its incomprehensible debt, belongs to the rakyat and not from 1MDB's own value-added activities.
In other words, it has done absolutely nothing but rack up debt, and is pawning the country to save it. It’s akin to an addicted gambler pawning his home to ‘ah longs’.
Anonymous 405401436586659: Arul, do not blame the opposition because if not for them and former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the 1MDB losses would have been even bigger.
1MDB has brought upon itself its own problems because of the involvement of characters such as business tycoon Jho Low and the total lack of transparency within 1MDB.
Even you were brought into the scene because of the opposition, which was clamouring for answers to this troubled sovereign wealth fund.
Appum: Arul is not a businessman, he is obviously a political kaki, or better put, a politicised kaki.
He works for a corporation which created assets through political control and power, where one gets them at cheap rates but sell at market rates.
Now for not being able to answer questions put forward by the peoples' representatives, he blames them, the opposition of course, for spoiling the soup for him.
If not for the opposition, if not for the Wall Street Journal and Sarawak Report , the scoundrels in 1MDB would have fleeced the Malaysian public through and through.
The Analyser: It’s truly amazing that whenever something goes wrong in Malaysia it’s always someone else's fault.
With the degree of perfection currently in this country, it’s a wonder we aren't world leaders in everything.
The reality is that the blame game is nothing more than a cover for the insecurity.
Unspin: For a person who said that he is not a politician, Arul makes more political statements than some politicians themselves.
If Arul is neutral and a true professional, he should regard parliamentarians such as Tony Pua and Rafizi Ramli as “critics” - not “opposition”.
Hang Babeuf: Yes, and the person who complained to the mall management about the filthy toilet is responsible for the awful smell and mess inside. Great logic!
‘Najib’s RM2.6 billion scandal has raised ringgit's risk premium’
HaveAgreatDay: "If a prime minister can still serve after being implicated in the RM2.6 billion (donation) scandal, it raises questions (among investors) as to what this country will allow its leaders to do," said KiniBiz CEO P Gunasegaram.
Thank you, Guna, for spelling this out so explicitly for the Umnoputras.
Anonymous 2448: If the RM2.6 billion scandal caused the Malaysian ringgit to fall, why other countries experience similar depreciation in their respective currencies?
This shows that the RM2.6 billion issue have nothing to do with the depreciation of the ringgit.
GE14Now!: If the fact that the ringgit has devalued to its current state has not sunk in, then all I can say is that you are blind, you are not in business, and you have no understanding of international trade and how foreign exchange volatility can effectively kill a business.
And if you think that these are bogus scandals, you need to have your brain checked.
Septuaman: Najib, if your opponents keep asking where the RM2.6 billion is, why don't you say that you have surreptitiously returned the money to the donor? This way you have a ready answer if they keep asking you on the matter.
By the way, I can masquerade as the donor (I look Arabic) but for a 10 percent fee, of course.
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