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Harapan raps Najib for racial slants in speech
Published:  Dec 11, 2015 12:00 PM
Updated: 7:13 AM

Pakatan Harapan's top leadership today denounced Umno president and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak for playing the racial card when opening the Umno AGM yesterday.

They said Najib painted a picture that if Umno loses the 14th general election, Harapan would shy away from fighting for Islam, the Malays and the bumiputera.

The opposition coalition of PKR, DAP and the newly-formed Parti Amanah Negara through its presidential council said Najib was trying to divert from the crisis he was facing by creating fear through racial issues.

“The president's council of Pakatan Harapan stresses that PKR, DAP and Amanah respect and will adhere and protect the provisions in the constitution regarding the position of the bumiputera, Islam, the Malay rulers and the position of Bahasa Melayu. This understanding is signed jointly through 'Buku Jingga'.

“Najib's political scandal has nothing to do with the Islamic, Malay and bumiputera struggle. The crisis faced by Umno is as a result of the 1MDB financial scandal and the RM2.6 billion deposited into Najib's personal accounts, which is not rebutted,” they pointed out.

Their statement was jointly signed by PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and Amanah president Mohamad Sabu.

Yesterday, Najib in his policy speech warned the country had only two choices when it comes to its political reality - to be administered by one coalition led by Umno or by another coalition led or dominated by the DAP.

“If Umno is rejected, the country will be administered by those who are anti-Islam and who are against the fight for the Malays and the bumiputera," Najib said.

'Don't get trapped'

Pakatan Harapan said Najib's trick in playing the racial card was meant to cover his personal scandals, which the public had viewed negatively.

His administration, the opposition coalition said, had drafted the controversial National Security Council Bill, which was passed in the Lower House recently, and gives the prime minister powers to declare emergency.

Pakatan Harapan said it hopes the people, especially the Malays, do not get entrapped by the racial card played by Najib.

“We are confident the people can differentiate the bigger problems and would not be dragged into Najib's racial play, which is seen to be his last lifeline,” the three leaders said.

The opposition coalition will continue to focus on important issues plaguing the people, such as lowering the cost of living, correcting the unbalanced tax system, creating job opportunities for the young and instilling good governance to curb corruption, which is now rampant.

The notable non-signatory to the statement was PAS, which is no longer part of Pakatan Rakyat, the predecessor to Harapan.

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