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Zaid: Varsities should study Najib's impact on Malays
Published:  Nov 3, 2015 3:53 PM
Updated: 9:45 AM

Citing how PAS has transformed since Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak took over the leadership reins of the nation, a former minister has called on academics to delve into the subject.

"Maybe our universities should conduct a study on Najib's impact on Malays.

"Our professors of humanities, culture and sociology would do well to examine how Najib has been able to transform Malays in ways that our former PMs could not," said Zaid Ibrahim.

According to Zaid, Najib excelled in engineering a transformation of the Malay personality.

"PAS members were once simple people.

"They were loyal to the party under (the late) Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, but that disappeared when Najib became prime minister and Nik Aziz died.

"PAS members were angry at Umno for 50 years for not bringing about Islamic rule, but Najib has been able to make them accept and support him with no change on his part, and no change in the way BN governs the country," he said in a Facebook posting.

PAS, Zaid noted, which has never established an accomplished record of administration or economic management, is now confident enough to offer Umno and BN advice on how to run the country.

"PAS has become so enamoured with Najib that its members have now made it their mission to ensure no one topples Najib as prime minister," he added.

Now all of a sudden, Zaid said, Malays believe that people from faraway places are willing to give away billions of dollars, apparently with no strings attached.

"Now they have uniforms and buses to take them to political rallies. They no longer have fond memories of their former leaders such as Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who did so much to improve their economic lot, or Nik Aziz, who reminded them to practise honesty and integrity, and who told them to take the sugar and the kain when offered but to never sacrifice their political beliefs.

"Malays have forgotten about their past. They have become 'glocal' Malays, as Najib would like them to be," he added.

Zaid also noted how the 60,000 rally at a stadium in Kota Baru would not have happened under the stewardship of Nik Aziz.

"That would have cost too much and Nik Aziz would not have allowed such an extravagance.

"One would also not see rows of buses being used to transport them to the stadium, as supporters usually found their own way.

"But not now - the huge PAS assembly in Kota Baru two weeks ago was very different. It had a different look and feel to it. It had the style of the new rich," he pointed out.

Without mincing words, Zaid claimed that Malays who supported Najib and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang have no regard for the good name of the race.

"Instead, they bring shame to the community," he added.

The former minister also criticised those who believe Najib's claim that the RM2.6 billion in his personal bank accounts was political donation from an anonymous Middle Eastern donor.

"How on earth can anyone with even an iota of intelligence believe Najib’s story...?

"I think these Najib supporters don't actually believe him either, but they continue to support him because Najib has become useful to them," he said.

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