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Will Najib dare to take up Bersih’s challenge?

YOURSAY ‘He lives in a RM2.6b glass house and shouldn't be throwing stones.’

We reveal our accounts, you reveal yours: Bersih dares Najib

RM2.6Billion Duit Haram: This is the problem with PM Najib Razak. He lives in a RM2.6 billion glass house and shouldn't be throwing stones.

Now that Bersih 2.0 chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah is willing to bare the organisation’s account, would Najib take up the challenge?

My bet is that he will not make public his bank account in view that the donation he received, in all probability, was not from the Middle East.

Aiyaiyai!: Good on you, Maria. The man is a total idiot to issue such a challenge to Bersih.

We, the rakyat, can see that Bersih is run mainly by volunteers and staff who could be making triple their income or more if they worked other jobs.

Tens of thousands have given donations to Bersih with open hearts. Besides, there's nothing like RM2.6 billion to account for.

Boiling Mud: Maria, just go ahead and prepare the account and publish it without further ado. I am sure your account can withstand the staunchest public scrutiny.

By doing so, you and the Bersih committee will deny the other party the bone to pick on. We will see what excuses your dishonest and despicable challengers will come up with after that.

CQ Muar: Over to you now, Najib. The ball is now on your court. You initiated the challenge, accusing Bersih for being hypocritical for not openly disclosing their accounts; the donations contributed and their donors for the recent rally (Aug 29-30).

You unwittingly 'invited' Bersih to declare the details of the donors, and now Maria is issuing you a counter challenge.

Dear Najib, pray you will not fail and let us down by the lack of gumption to accept this challenge with a positive acknowledgment.

Bersih will honour its words to do so as promised, therefore you must also do your part honourably as a prime minister.

Disclose the name or names of the donor or donors of the RM2.6 billion if you are man enough. Enough of shaming us, Najib.

FellowMalaysian: Najib has gotten himself into a 'between the devil and the deep blue sea' paradox and either way, whether he reveals the truth about the RM2.6 billion or not, he is damned.

Najib is hoping that through some divine intervention, the devil which buries him, i.e. 1MDB, will be transformed magically into his white knight and save him from burning hell.

But instead of untangling himself from the webs of 1MDB, the imbroglio will engulf him further.

This will likely happen because in his desperation, he will inevitably resort to Machiavellian ways which will only further compound his problem.

RakyatBiasa: Maria, you should know better than to dare a coward who didn't show up at the ‘Nothing to hide’ forum, not showing up at an international conference which the country is playing host (International Anti-Corruption Conference) and using the back door to attend the Umno supreme council meeting.

Such a disgrace to this nation, the Malays and Islam.

Hang Babeuf: Again, as the kiddies' logic puts it, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Time to come clean, Umno. Time for some honesty and transparency, Najib.

Hong Kong opens probe into deposits linked to Najib

Kim Quek: 1MDB must have seemed like a live volcano to Najib, erupting at nerve-wrecking pace.

On the heel of the missing US$1.4 billion paid out by 1MDB but never reached Abu Dhabi’s Aabar Investment, another US$250 million cropped up in Hong Kong which is the subject of investigation by the Hong Kong authorities, following police reports on questionable deals between 1MDB and Jho Low’s companies.

This US$250 is in the form of deposits in accounts allegedly linked to Najib at the Credit Suisse Branch in Hong Kong. This is the third foreign country going after 1MDB, after Singapore and Switzerland had earlier seized and probed accounts linked to 1MDB.

Vijay47: What is impressive and surprising is that the report by former Umno leader Khairuddin Abu Hassan was made on Aug 30 and within 10 days or even less, the Hong Kong police had commenced investigations.

In Malaysia, such alacrity is seen only when reports are made against opposition members or those seen as unfriendly to the Divine Duo. Otherwise, it would be an eternal case of "the matter is being studied".

Mushiro: Bravo to Abu Hassan who lodged a police report in Hong Kong about Najib and 1MDB. Our PM is now being investigated in Hong Kong, Singapore and Switzerland.

Anonymous$&@?: Switzerland, Singapore and now Hong Kong have begun investigations into the money trail linked to 1MDB.

Malaysia's own Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission can take their own sweet time since the MACC had confidently reported that the money was not linked to 1MDB.

But the truth will be revealed when the investigators from Switzerland, Singapore and Hong Kong make known to the world their findings. We just want to see if Malaysia's MACC's finding is consistent with its international counterparts.

Well Thats Fantastic: Australia is investigating him too, the currency note not the scandal... What good is a PM that is under investigation in multiple countries?

Our economy is suffering because of he is hanging on to his position like his life depends on it.

Tailek: PM should just resign and repent and if he is guilty of any criminal acts, the full force of the law should be brought to bear. No deals, no amnesty.

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