Opposition sets conditions to back Najib's ouster
Published:  Aug 27, 2015 3:22 PM
Updated: 10:39 AM

The opposition has offered to help BN MPs secure a new majority to topple Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's government if certain conditions are fulfilled, which includes freeing jailed former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

This was mentioned in a joint statement by DAP, PKR and Gerakan Harapan Baru (GHB).

"The MPs from DAP, PKR and GHB are prepared to discuss the proposals by MPs from BN to form a new majority to replace the government of Najib Abdul Razak, with political reforms as the core agenda of the new government.

"The release of Anwar and all other prisoners of conscience should be one of the first tasks to be performed by the new majority.

"All political persecutions should also be rescinded," the DAP, PKR and GHB said in a joint statement today.


This was decided at a meeting of MPs from DAP, PKR and GHB in Parliament yesterday.

The political grouping also decided on two other matters - to endorse the Bersih 4 rally this weekend and the terms of participation in Najib's political financing reform council.

Electoral reform proposal

For participation in the national consultative council on political financing, they agreed to participate on condition that Najib's mysterious RM2.6 billion 'donation' into his personal bank account is first resolved.

Furthermore, the opposition also wants the reform agenda to expand to electoral reform and give independence to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and the Election Commission.

The joint statement was signed by Lim Kit Siang, Loke Siew Fook, Teresa Kok, Liew Chin Tong and Teo Kok Seong for DAP; Rafizi Ramli, Johari Abdul, Wong Chen, Sim Tze Tzin and S Manikavasagam for PKR; and Kamaruddin Jaafar, Hatta Ramli and Khalid Samad for GHB.

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