Isn't Islam about peace, Guan Eng needles Hadi
Published:  May 20, 2015 11:46 AM
Updated: 10:12 PM

Abdul Hadi Awang is a renowned Muslim scholar and president of the Islamic party PAS.

However, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng chose to needle him on the Islamic faith, with regard to it being a religion of peace.

"As a non-Muslim without any knowledge of Islam. I am only aware that Islam is a religion of peace and not one of anger.

"I would like to ask Hadi to state where in the Quran (is it mentioned) that believers of Islam should be always angry against disbelievers or those who disagree," Lim said in a statement.

Lim was responding to Hadi's remark that Muslims are permitted by Allah to vent their anger towards DAP for opposing the implementation of hudud.


The latest tit-for-tat is bound to further strain ties between DAP and PAS, leaving the future of the opposition bloc in question.

Expressing puzzlement over Hadi's stand, Lim, who is also Penang chief minister, said DAP was only formed in 1966.

"DAP is not aware that it is stated, in a great and holy religion like Islam, that anger towards DAP is permitted by Allah," he added on a sarcastic note.


Why only DAP?

Lim also questioned as to why Hadi's anger appeared to be directed only at DAP and not others who opposed hudud.

He clarified that DAP opposed hudud not because it is part of Islam but because it is unconstitutional, where even the apex court had ruled that it is not permitted by the Federal Constitution.

"Is Hadi angry only with DAP by reason that DAP is the only party that is sincere and serious in opposing hudud, unlike the other parties that are not committed but play-acting, subject to the direction and dictates of Umno?” he asked.

"Hadi is wrong because it is not only DAP but the majority of the rakyat, especially those from Sabah and Sarawak, who oppose the implementation of hudud.

"Despite that, to serve his own narrow political interests, Hadi has decided to paint DAP as the biggest obstacle to hudud.

"This is probably why he wants the Muslims to be angry with DAP but not with BN or Umno," Lim added.

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