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Too many doctors, while English standards plummet

YOURSAY ‘As a parent, education standards are the prime concern.’


We produce more docs than developed countries


Dr Suresh Kumar: Even I had predicted years ago that something is rotten in Bolehland when private medical colleges were mushrooming all over. Who approved these colleges, Mr Ex-Health Minister?


Were stringent procedures followed before approving permits for these colleges? What was the regulatory body in the Health Ministry doing then?


Who are the proprietors of these private colleges? Why did you not introduce a common medical entrance test for those who wish to study medicine/dentistry instead of the present quota system, like what is being done in India.


This way, only those with the passion and aptitude for medical/dental studies could be selected.


As a doctor yourself, I am flabbergasted that you decided to treat the symptom rather than the cause by extending the period of housemanship to two years.


There were many options at your disposal during your tenure as the health minister, but somehow 'some things' blinded you, I suppose.


Pemerhati: Another crucial factor overlooked by former health minister Dr Chua Soi Lek, perhaps deliberately and so as not to offend his Umno masters, is the fact that the entry standards in the country to public universities have been deliberately lowered so as to produce a large number of Malay degree holders.


This has been done by having a sub-standard ‘matrikulasi’ examination for entrance to universities. A relatively very small number of non-Malays are also allowed to enrol in these classes.


The universities dare not fail these sub-standard students as they would then be accused of teaching the students poorly and the lecturers are scared of offending the authorities and jeopardising their careers.


Many of the private colleges for whom the profit motive is paramount also take in sub-standard students. So according to the garbage-in-garbage-out (GIGO) principle, a lot of garbage is produced by the universities.


Top BN leaders know this and thus they go overseas or good local private hospitals for treatment.


RKR: Dr Chua, I think you have forgotten that medical schools are a booming business in this country.


Firstly, the authorities rake in millions in approval permits, secondly, the schools charge an arm and a leg to give out the degree, and thirdly, the parents wait for their son/daughter to churn out hundreds of thousands to recoup their investment.


Who suffers in all these? The poor patients.


P Dev Anand Pillai: Why do most MCA men only talk facts when they are no longer in favour with the weighing scale?


This problem was envisaged a long time ago but knowing us, all we need is some money, patronage and contacts, and viola; we will be able to set up a medical school and enrol students who can't even write a short composition about themselves.


We are paying the price for putting quantity above quality. We should go back to the days of the Lower Certificate of Education (LCE, now SRP) and Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE, now SPM) when we had the grading and aggregate system, but knowing today's leaders that will never come to fruition.


All that can be said is be careful when you are ill, seek older doctors for consultation, ask a few of them, don't stop at one.



Good English? Check out bloopers by PMO


SteveOh: The deputy education minister is in denial. I am a regular visitor to Singapore and have yet to meet a native Singaporean who can't communicate intelligently in English. In fact, Malay Singaporeans have a better command of English than Malay Malaysians in general.


Besides the foreign workers in both countries, I have yet to meet a waiter in Singapore who gives me blank stares when I order in English at restaurants. In Malaysia, it is common whether in supermarkets or eateries.


Poor command of English is found among all ethnic groups in Malaysia. But in Singapore, the worst English you hear is the Ah Beng and Ah Lian version but it is still understandable.


Overall, my observation is Singapore is ahead, not behind Malaysia, and equally important, they can also speak Mandarin, an important global language today.


Anonymous$&@?: P Kamalanathan tried to fool the rakyat with his comment that Malaysian standard of English is better than Singapore's but ends up eating humble pie.


The bloopers coming from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) (the most prestigious government office no less) is the best example of the poor English proficiency that has affected our education system.


If the PMO is one example, just think about the quality of English that is being taught in Malaysian schools.


The Analyser: Is the Malaysian obsession with exams at work here, or the same old nit-picking over unimportant issues?


The important thing with any language is that the message being communicated is clear. Spelling and grammar become unimportant.


It's even acceptable to use the wrong but similar sounding word so long as the meaning is clear. It's no wonder students are afraid to practice their English for fear of being ridiculed.


Abasir: The Analyser, it is important to nit-pick when it comes to the correctness of syntax or spelling in any language. Sloppiness starts with language, spreads to thoughts and before you know it, manifests itself in irreparably sloppy behaviour.


As a nation, one of Malaysia's distinguishing features is its high tolerance for sloppiness. You see it all around you... it is the norm, which is why the PMO statement will not ruffle any feathers.


Anonymous_1398660923: Thank you, Selayang MP Ong Kian Ming, we are proud to have you as our parliamentarian. We have elected you to keep an eye on national issues which greatly affect the future of this country.


As a parent, education standards are the prime concern.


KSSS: This is what took place at my former office: Mr X had just walked pass staff B when the phone rang asking for Mr X.


Staff B: Hello, XYZ Bhd.


Caller: Can I speak to Mr X please?


Staff B: Oh, Mr X just "passed away".

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