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M’sia no longer safe place to raise our children

YOURSAY ‘Our nation is quickly slipping into lawlessness like never before.’


Anguish over 'burn and rape' daughter threats

Ferdtan: Prof Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi is just one sane voice from the Muslim population after the ‘hudud’ hysteria played up by politicians from PAS and Umno.


He is one father speaking out defending his daughter against threats against her when she commented her views about the syariah law. If the laws were to be passed, how will Muslim fathers be able to protect their daughters?


We have noticed in other conservative Muslim countries, females are always at the disadvantage when it comes to the implementation of the religious laws. Like Saudi Arabia, will the Muslim daughters and wives be banned from driving or barred from coming out without chaperones?


Don’t think that will not happen. It will with time when the ultra ulamas were to seize control of the government. The time to stop them is now. To the moderate Muslims, don’t say we have not warned you.


Odin: Professor, I think you have written a number of articles on Islam that were published in Malaysiakini about some years ago. I have read them all.

You came across as a Muslim who non-Muslims would want to regard as a close friend, and you portrayed Islam as a religion that non-Muslims would respect.


Now to answer your question. Sadly, no, Malaysia is definitely not a good place to raise your children. The evil people now causing havoc will be there for a long time. To think that they will be vanquished at the GE14 is a false hope.


JMC: Very strong and brave words from a very disturbed and concerned Malaysian. I hope more Malaysians like him come out to condemn these nonsensical and childish behaviour of our youth today.


We need people like you, Prof, to save our country and our children. We need to send a strong message to our leaders to examine their conscience and do the right thing for the future of the country.


Ipohcrite: My heart and my sympathies go to the good professor. As a citizen and a father of two children, whom I have nurtured to be critical and to have a mind of their own, I share his anguish and pain every time threats and intimidation are leveled at those who dared to voice an opinion that differed from those in power, even when egregious wrongs are committed.


Our nation is quickly slipping into a form of lawlessness like never before. I can only pray that God saves us in time.


Pemerhati: In the developed Western countries, where the vast majority have the Christian heritage, if anyone makes fun of Christianity, chances are some people will laugh and applaud him, some will criticise him but hardly anyone will threaten him.


But if the same person makes fun of Islam in the same way, all hell will break loose, not only in the country but around the world and the person is universally condemned and threatened by the Muslims.


The question is why are Christians and Muslims, who are the world’s largest religious groups so different in their reactions to people making fun of their religion? Could it be because in the developed West they have moved beyond religion, which is based on faith?


Their higher level of education and emphasis on science and technology, which requires logical thinking, has made them realise that everything written in the holy books need not be the gospel truth.


Many have thus abandoned religion but under Kelantan’s hudud law, Muslims cannot do that.


Commentable: Apa sudah jadi? (What has happened?) - this is the pertinent question that has made millions of Malaysians, regardless of race, colour and creed, migrate elsewhere.


Many Malaysians, particularly the Chinese have already asked themselves some two decades ago "…are we safe to raise our children in this country? If not, should we start looking elsewhere and create a much safer place for our children to have a future?"


If this problem continues to go unchecked, sad to say, the country will have a bleak future.


AJ: Are we safe? No, definitely not. Not when leaders display facets of supremacy and extreme intolerance to matters that are right.


Certain Malays act and speak like thugs knowing that little or no action will be taken against them. This is now filtered through to many who act as they feel without any reason.


This is amplified by swallow sermons based on entitlement, race and religion. When all else isn't enough, the royalty card will be flashed.


Since there is no rebuke from the silent high-flying PM or the Umno seniors, it’s only a matter of time before everything goes up in smoke.


YF: If the perverts, the blind, the hypocrites and the corrupt are supporting the implementation of this "law", then obviously there is something seriously wrong here.


As some scholars of the same religion have pointed out, the flaw is when the corrupt are able to use and abuse it for their own evil benefit.


Anonymous_137147888888: Tajuddin, many, many non-Muslim parents share the same thought as you; that is, our Malaysia is no longer a safe place for our children.


Anonymous_1375701728: This is exactly what the G25 were afraid of. But till today, the PM has not found the time to meet with them. That says a lot about his leadership.

Bravo Prof, for standing by your daughter

Tajuddin, we know the answers to your questions

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