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YOURSAY Who is telling the truth - PMO or the four brothers?


Wealth talk taints dad's name, say Najib's brothers

Anonymous #44199885: PM Najib as the eldest son of Abdul Razak Hussien should come out and defend his father's legacy like his brothers have done.


Najib should rightly hold a press conference and clear the air over the source of the family's wealth.


If this is done and the source of wealth is shown to be lawful, there will be no need for continued questions being asked.


It is not at all a pleasant matter when Malaysians start to question the character of a past prime minister who has contributed so much to the nation, when he has not given any cause for the current speculation on the wealth of his children.


Caripasal: Indeed, we are confused. Based on the PMO (Prime Minister’s Office) statement, Najib’s lavish lifestyle is because of family wealth, meaning the late Razak left behind a big fortune for his five sons.


Perhaps the four brothers should ask their eldest brother or their sister-in-law to explain his and her wealth.


Without any clarification from the PM’s Office, the public will have to believe the late Abdul Razak was a wealthy man, with his source of fortune opens to all sort of speculation.


Speak For All: Indeed, who is telling the truth - the PMO or the four brothers?


Kim Quek: In the first place, it was a PMO statement that attributes the millions splashed around by Rosmah Mansor come from her husband Najib’s inheritance.


So, when Najib’s brothers angrily rebutted any suggestion that their frugal and honest late father could have left behind a huge fortune, they are in fact targeting their brother Najib, since the PMO couldn’t have issued the statement without the PM’s direction or sanction.


Worse, all of Najib’s four brothers have now declared that the entire family is united against “anyone” so tainting their late father’s memory, meaning that Najib is now ostracised by the Razak family.


And the prime minister still owes the nation an explanation as to where his fabulous wealth comes from.


Vijay47: I don't think anyone commented unkindly regarding your father, Nazir. There were no allegations against him and nobody denied his frugality and integrity.


If unfavourable inferences had been drawn, you can thank your other brother's office for the statement they released.


The PMO is the party that suggested that undue wealth is the natural consequence of being elevated to the post of prime minister and they were referring to the incumbent. They were also the ones who justified your brother's riches to "legacy family assets", whatever that means.


So rather than finding fault with "some recent news articles and postings", perhaps you must agree that your family's present discomfort and even outrage is of your brother's own making.


You must equally concede that the greatest source of embarrassment, if not shame, is your sister-in-law, the big wig.


A final thought, why did Najib not sign your statement? After all, he is also your father's son.


Odin: "We take issue with anyone who taints his memory, whatever the motive. We would also like to add that our whole family is united on this issue," said the statement by Najib’s brothers.


I say, man, I am very confused. The one who first tainted the memory of your late father would be your own brother, Najib.


Next, when you said your whole family is united on this issue, it means all members of your family who are still alive. That includes Najib.


But the PMO statement implied Najib (and his present wife) could afford to splash millions due to him having inherited either a substantial sum of money or assets worth a considerable sum of money came from his office.


The relevant phrase used in the statement was “legacy family assets”. The assets supposedly willed to him would be from your late father. Mind explaining to us what is what?


Vgeorgemy: Compared to current Umno leadership who put race first, Abdul Razak’s leadership put nation first, while at the same time assisting poor Malays.


The institutions created under him such as Petronas, PNB, Felda, Risda and Felcra were created to assist poor Malays but the business generated by these institutions benefitted all the races.


We even know in the beginning non-Malays were in managerial positions in these institutions drawing local expertise and enrich Malaysian professionalism.


The widespread corruption and no regard for rule of law was started of with Umno’s obsession with ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ concept.


We are very well convinced that Abdul Razak never been part of such culture and amassed massive wealth during his regime.


Fair Play: Nazir's joint declaration with his other three brothers is as good as saying someone is lying through his or her teeth. And definitely it's not them.


The plot thickens. Now the PM is under siege from all direction. How long before the crack finally breaks?


Pro Bono: The ides of March is coming?


Tok Karut: It’s good to see this in print finally from those near and dear to the late Abdul Razak. The information will not be lost on those querying the wealth around PM and Kak Ros FLOM (First Lady of Malaysia).


Hey, could you isolate Najib and get him to resign his post? You probably have to get past Kak Ros FLOM. Wasn’t that the problem, thus this statement jointly signed by the family?


Anticommunalist: It looks like family feud about to erupt, ala ‘Dynasty’ Dallas-style.


Najib's brothers need to realise that this statement of theirs in a double-edged sword. All their assets themselves can be questioned too. However, it is very creditable for them to come out and defend their father's legacy.


Syzyzgy: Perhaps it's Rosmah's inheritance that provides the lavish lifestyle.

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