It’s hard to be positive in times like this

YOURSAY ‘After waiting for more than 30 years, I am convinced there’s no hope.’


Finding hope for Malaysia in 2015

Telestai!: I wish there is hope for Malaysia but after waiting for more than 30 years, I am convinced there is none.



The 22-year rule by the longest serving PM inflicted too much all-round damage to the country. It would take a miracle to turn things around in Malaysia.


Firstly, for change to happen, Umno must go. However, given the bigotry and the lack of a credible opposition, I am afraid Umno will rule for at least the next 30 years.



So my dear Malaysians, fret not and continue with your slumber. Enjoy your overseas holidays, your exotic cars and what-have-you for soon you'll one day wake up to a bankrupt country.


Imanust Nais Yalam: The 47 percent needs to be hit real hard by the coming economic crisis before there is any hope for Malaysia.


Goblok: The bright spots have been greatly exaggerated, probably in a vain attempt to present a contrary perspective.


Malaysians are not an exceptional lot where tragedies are concerned. Similar public reaction can be seen in other countries too in times of crises.



Where is the groundswell of support for the Group of 25? It is extremely difficult for a Muslim to challenge the ulama. In the past, they would be quartered and hanged. What Malaysia needs is a revolution.


Survivor: The ulama are in politics only to impose Islamic rule on the people. That is not wrong. But that is the only way they know how to run a country.


Do not expect them to manage the economy efficiently. For that matter, do not expect them to manage disasters as well. They will say it’s the wrath of Allah.


They can't even maintain power. They win only to lose it later.


Multi Racial: Having positive thinking is good. It also means we have hope Malaysia will change and we will have better and honest politicians, who will eventually lead to more effective and efficient running of the federal and state governments.


The growing support for the moderate Malays is good and I would like to see more taking a stand. Extremists will be there so long as unscrupulous political parties keep financing them. 


We pray that good will prevail over evil.

Apa Ini?: There is nothing wrong with ordinary Malaysians and the many brave Malaysian activists. Our problem is the politicians.


Good citizens, it's your job to keep being informed and keep pressing for change. The next GE is IT. Happy 2015!


Bash: Wishing all Malaysians a happy and peaceful 2015.  May we work together to turn the country from a further downward slide.


Let's make Malaysia a beautiful place to build a good future for ourselves and future generations.



For 2015, we are the change

Lone_Star: To change Malaysia for the better, we cannot expect others to change, be they politicians, civil servants or the man/woman in the street.


We, each and every one of ourselves, must be the change. Change we must and change we will. This cannot be a chant but must be followed by actions. Only then will we get to see a better Malaysia.


Odin: "We need to stop waiting for elections to change those in power. We need to be more vocal, more firm, more resounding, like the Eminent 25, in ensuring that the change is effected today,” said Ram Anand.


This has to be done by the Malays - and not the ordinary ones, either, but those who are, or once were, prominent - and they have to act in a group and not singly.


If those of any other race were to do what the Eminent 25 has done, they would be charged under the Sedition Act or whatever Act the regime deemed appropriate.


Drngsc: Yes, all of us who love Malaysia, must begin to move for change from bottom up. We must be the agent for change.


Umno will not change. Together with change from the bottom, we must also change the top. Umno is the problem. Umno must go. It has to spend two or three terms in the opposition to learn that the people are important.


Nowadays, they treat us like dirt. They abuse us. Their relatives and spouses use government machinery and cash like their own. They have no respect for the people. Once in five years they bribe their way and cheat their way into power.


Let us all change to save Malaysia.


Kl Man: Ram, it's hard to be optimistic. The country is going backwards. GST (Goods and Service Tax) is coming. The ringgit is sliding.


Sorry, I truly do not believe 2015 will be any better.

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