Too little, too late to burnish reputation

YOURSAY ‘Damage has already been done to his almost non-existent reputation.’


Najib flies back to flood-hit country amid flak

Abasir: Given PM Najib Razak sudden change of heart, it is possible that our PM-in-absentia received some timely advice from his golfing buddy, who might have related the fallout from former US president George W Bush's delayed appearance at the site of Hurricane Katrina's worst-hit area.



In any case, much water has flowed under and over the proverbial bridge. He is a now an object of national scorn, except in the eyes of his semi-literate cybertroopers.


The Mask: Finally, compassion and a sense of responsibility prevail.


And now, those who went all out to support PM's holiday spree are changing their tunes, and praising the PM for coming back. What hypocrites and spineless creatures these people are.


The PM has finally shown that he listens to those who give him good advice and is compassionate to those who are suffering.


Louis: Najib today said he was “deeply concerned by the flood”. Can you believe that?


This is hypocrisy at its best. He is more concerned about missing his golf date with US President Barack Obama.



Najib, please do not say that people's interest is close to your heart when you arrive back in Malaysia. You should apologise to the flood victims the moment you land.


And never boast how close you are with Obama, who should be ashamed of playing golf with you while being oblivious to the suffering of people in this country.


Not Confused: Too little, far too late, me thinks! Damage has already been done to his almost non-existent reputation.


He is always away on jet-setting holidays somewhere. While at home, the idiotic Islamic fundamentalists make his plainly worthless statements about other faiths being able to practice their religions without interference, look even more pathetic as each day goes by. 


He doesn't care a fig for the other races and religions here, or he would be more vociferous when needed, instead of cowering behind his wife and playing dumb.


Progressive: You mean a PM-in-waiting - that is the DPM - is not capable of handling a flood situation?


Are we under attack from North Korea for us to panic? Muhyiddin is a tested minister and a former menteri besar who has proven his mettle. So why all the fuss?


Let the PM have his well-deserved vacation. Though I'm not an admirer of his administration, it’s time to be non-partisan.


Doc: I feel sorry for Najib for being forced to cut short his much-needed holiday to attend to this flood disaster situation.


Firstly, it has been a good three months since Najib took his last vacation. He certainly deserves the much-needed rest since his last break was so long ago.


Secondly, petrol price is cheap so he is being considerate and taking the holiday now as not to burden the rakyat with paying premium price for jet fuel.


Thirdly, what is Najib going to achieve with the flood situation when he swoops into Kelantan later today. Provided leadership in a time of disaster?


Come on, leadership is not one of Najib’s strong traits. Also, the flood is due to the act of God. So why do we need to ‘kacau’ (disturb) Najib with a problem that is clearly not his doing.


Lastly, Najib playing golf with Obama may achieve more for national interest that attending to flood victims. We need the US when our economy goes bust next year.


TAG: What is there more to say? It is clear as daylight that there are more people who don't like Najib and his wife than the people who do.


At least for former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, people may not like him but they love his wife.


Dont Just Talk: Najib, you were deeply concerned by the flood in Kelantan, Terengganu,  Pahang and Perak that it didn’t affect your putting while playing 18 holes golf in Hawaii with Obama.


You are truly a caring PM and if given the chance, we too would like to have a round of golf in Hawaii, and flying over there in an executive jet.


FellowMalaysian: I hope to prod the minds of those responsible in taking action and to prick their conscience to respond when the lives of 120,000 victims are at stake and are housed in temporary shelters and their homes are flooded with 3m of water.


A conscionable leader would have taken the first boat out to assess and oversee the operation rather than taking his jet plane out and heading to the opposite direction instead.


Angel: Najib should thank Malaysiakini . When Malaysiankini exposed the adverse comments about him being overseas, he is now coming back to solve the flood problems which Muhyiddin has failed to do.


Instead of suing Malaysiakini , Najib should react by dealing with the mistake he made. Government-controlled papers never help Najib to realise his mistakes.


James_3392: Finally, Najib gets to see the difference between a flooding hospital in Kuala Krai and the perfect ambient of a golf club in Hawaii.

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