It's Umnoputras, not Muslims, who are insecure

YOURSAY ‘Umno is using Islam to mislead and control the population.’


Why so insecure, US scholar asks Muslims


Vijay47: US Islamic scholar Ebrahim Moosa, what you say is not rocket science and in fact something that is simple and obvious. But obvious only to those with some minimal intelligence that unfortunately is prominent in Malaysia by its absence.



How right you are when you hold that "even within the exclusivity of religion, there are possibilities of plurality".


But such possibilities of plurality are stopped at the border when it concerns Malaysia, after all, they would "confuse the Muslims and weaken their faith", the rallying call we hear day and night.


David Dass: And why the insecurity among Muslims? Because the policies and actions of the government reflect only Malay-centric policies.


It is a simple matter for the parties in the BN to brainstorm and come up with a plan that works for all races and to stop extremist groups like Isma and Perkasa. They preach a brand of politics that threatens to tear the very fabric of this nation. Surely the PM must know what is right?


Well, the 25 eminent Malays have given their views. Read their statement carefully . There is so much sense. It sums up what is wrong with the country today.



We are a two-party state. We want our democracy to thrive. And not become a one-party state. There must always be a place for multiple parties.


It is uncertain whether race-based parties can or should survive. Just look at the tenor of speeches made at the recent Umno General Assembly. Do we wonder why so many of our children leave the country?


Bamboo: It's not Muslims who are insecure. It's Umnoputras who are insecure. Umno is only using Islam to mislead and control the population and garner votes.


Jenglot: This phenomenon is not difficult to understand if there is an understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims.


Otherwise, they will accuse the other religion as violating the human rights principles. We are currently at a point in history where the pendulum of non-Muslims’ view of Islam has swung quite heavily to the negative end of the scale.


Islam’s glory lies in its spirit of tolerance, mutual respect, sacrifice, patience, devotion and simplicity.


The Analyser: The answer is very simple - insecurity starts with the parents of all races.


Bullying, overprotective, dominating and repressive (i.e. normal Malaysian) parents destroy their children's innate self-confidence and decision-making skills.


Once lost, those skills are rarely regained. If that's not enough, religion takes over using fear, indoctrination and repression to finally destroy the child's self-confidence completely.


Stried: "How do you address that kind of fear and siege mentality?" political scientist Wong Chin Huat asked.


My answer - as a famous person recently said, "All Malaysians are stupid."



Activist tells Alvin, Ali not to open tom yam shops


Commentable: Something is not right about our government. Firstly, it picks a fight with a small fry over something really trivial. Then it seeks the help of a superpower to extradite the small fry.


It turns out that there is no offence of sedition under the American law, so how?


No wonder US Vice President Joe Biden came out to criticise our law and got our country laughed at for being so goofy on human rights.


Buffaloes being buffaloes, our kampung heroes just can't seem to understand the message. They even have the cheek to turn round and slam the Americans instead for interfering in Malaysia's internal affairs.


Dis Fed-up Man: I have never heard of a minister, a home minister at that, quarrelling with an ordinary citizen to the point of bring shame to the country. Shame, shame, shame!


He acts like a small kid trying to recover his lost marbles by throwing tantrums. What calibre of ministers we have. Only Malaysia ‘boleh’.


Lamps: This is embarrassing for the home minister. Checkmated and humiliated by blogger Alvin Tan and activist Ali Abu Jalil and now, caught lying by PKR central committee member Latheefa Koya.


Siang Malam: Latheefa, the reason Zahid talked about ‘bangau’ is because he knows he, too, has to wait for the ‘bangau’ to return on its own because he cannot file for extradition.


Mob1900: I guess this will 'raise' the bar for all future home ministers - pursue petty mischief and waste taxpayers money on lies.


Karpal: Why shouldn't Zahid lie when Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak does it all the time?


Najib claims Malaysia is the only country outside of China that allows Chinese vernacular schools. He forgets that Brunei also allows Chinese vernacular schools.


Hplooi: And this man is in charge of our internal security. Even more dangerous is his current attempt at taking control of the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal Immigrants as the head of the permanent working committee.


Kangkung: A controversial Ramadan greeting is seditious but a threat to burn the Holy Bible by Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali is considered as having no intention to create religious tension.


Zahid, you clearly know the Americans won't buy this load of crap.

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