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Hadi is Umno’s best weapon against Pakatan

YOURSAY ‘PAS under Hadi lost Kedah and Terengganu. Kelantan next?’


Hadi: Up to me to attend Pakatan meetings


Jiminy Qrikert: It is not surprising that so far PKR has been pretty quiet and refrained from joining the spate over PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang's absence from Pakatan Rakyat meetings.


Malay PKR leaders will not to want to be seen to be flaying Hadi on the matter and Chinese PKR leaders do not need to be seen to be taking sides with DAP leaders as this will only aggravate the Malay versus Chinese perception amongst the larger Malay audience.


PKR needs to maintain its appeal to its huge Malay support base and at the same time hope that this Hadi fiasco results in defection of PAS members to PKR's fold due to their rejection of Hadi's extreme stupidity.


What's left after this will be hardcore conservative extremist loyalists of PAS including the Erdogan pretenders rallying to Hadi, moderate Malay PAS members leaving to join PKR and DAP, and moderate Malays and the non-Malays hardening their resolve to reject PAS in GE14.


To the larger Malay audience, especially in the kampungs, this is shaping up to be a clash of ‘Malay versus Chinese’ titans. And no matter how illogical or unreasonable Hadi may be in this matter, to the majority of Malays what really matters is that the Malay leader must not lose out to the Chinese leader.


It is precisely because this is turning out to be a battle of the races that even an intelligent moderate like Khalid Samad has caved in to the pressures of having to rally to defend his idiotic leader's stand so that Khalid is not seen as betraying the race.


Hadi is rock sold in his defiance of DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng (LGE) and DAP's attempts to get him to attend Pakatan meetings even though his absence is paralysing Pakatan. But the Malays are impressed by and gawking at Hadi's heroics and starting to fall in line behind Hadi, including the normally very logical Khalid.


Unspin: PAS Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, it is not a petty issue if your president does not even understand the spirit of teamwork and democracy.


We all know that it is not about attending meetings per se. It is about respecting the majority decision even if one does not quite agree with it.


If PAS cannot handle the basic idea of consensus in a coalition, PAS should quit Pakatan and go it alone. It will spare us the agony of seeing PAS betraying its partners when it really mattered.


Fairplayer: Khalid Samad, you are wrong in faulting DAP, that DAP was being “petty” by making an issue of the matter.


If PAS can't agree with DAP about attending Pakatan meetings, what's the point of "being together"? You may as well go your own separate ways


There's more dignity to leave the Pakatan coalition than trying to lord over DAP and PKR. Sudahlah , Hadi Awang.


Ferdtan: Good, keep up the pressure on Hadi Awang. DAP has done its job and the rest is up to PAS. DAP is the bad cop and PKR can act as a good cop. The message is clear to all.


The whole nation is watching Hadi’s every move. He cannot hide anymore. I am sure many PAS members from the progressive faction are glad too with the situation; but in public they have no choice but to ‘support’ their chief.


Behind his back they must be glad that their chief is pushed to the wall with regard to PAS’ position with Pakatan. Hadi has to decide once and for all; is he with Pakatan or not?


Headhunter: To be fair, I don't think it's PAS per se that's the problem. Just one stubborn unforgiving old man who's lost the respect of most Malaysians. His religious credential is also in tatters due to his erratic behavior.  


Boonpou: What is the point of being part of the opposition alliance if Hadi does not feel oblige to attend the Pakatan leadership council meetings? These are not just any meeting but leadership council meetings.


It’s best for PAS to leave Pakatan. I have been saying this a thousand times. Soon PAS will be like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.


Ablastine: LGE, you still don’t get it, do you? PAS in its present form under the leadership of Hadi is unacceptable to the people. To have a partner who has declared that he will stab you in the back when you are not looking or down is worse than an enemy who confront you head on.


If Pakatan still retains PAS with its leadership under Hadi intact, be prepare to lose big and I mean real big in the next GE. Hadi is the best weapon Umno has ever come up with.


Why do you bother to have him in your meetings to have him create more trouble for Pakatan or so that he can inform Umno of your every move?


SSDhaliwal: Hadi, we all know your game, you are not fooling anyone anymore. We have lost faith in PAS, especially with you at the helm. For a self-proclaimed religious person, you are sure full of pride and ego.


If you are not happy, you can always leave the coalition but then again you know that you do not have unanimous support among the party itself. That leaves the question whether you are fit to lead the party given that you have single-handedly lost Kedah and Terengganu under your direct leadership.


Right now as it stands, you will lose Kelantan in the next GE and that is welcome but to not take heed must mean either you are obtuse or on Umno's take.


CucuMalaysia: This man is not party president material, what more as a prime minister of the country. He is showing that there are strong strains of Umno DNA embedded in him.


The only way for Pakatan to succeed in bringing the country back to its glorious days is to chop of one of its cancer-ridden limbs (PAS). Otherwise, even if Pakatan takes over Putrajaya, it will not get the ideal cooperation, unity and support from PAS if Hadi or any of his kind is in.


Paul Warren: What Hadi is saying is that so far for all those meetings that he did not attend, it was because he did not want to attend. That means deliberately not want to attend. Not that he could not attend. He could have if he had wanted to. He just did not want to attend.


So there, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, that is basically showing contempt for PKR's and DAP's leadership. And why does he continue to be recalcitrant? That is because he has a bigger act of betrayal to perform.


The next big thing for Umno is the re-delineation exercise. This is the time Umno will want to seduce PAS with enough seats for them to salivate over after the next elections.


ith an increase of seats it may be possible to carve out significant number of seats for PAS within Malay-majority areas so that they can be almost an equal partner with Umno in BN.


To achieve, this there has to be a two-thirds majority in parliament. Hadi has to lead PAS to walk over to Umno then. Also it is the best time for PAS to get the most out of Umno.


FairMind: "I don't need to be asked. I will attend if I want to," said Hadi. Translation: "I don't need to keep my promises. I can change my words if I want to."

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