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Kelantan PAS, a ‘guillotine’ is still a guillotine

YOURSAY ‘Did he or did he not assent to the idea, give it his support and endorse it?’


Kelantan PAS blames 'guillotine' on media spin

Sali Tambap: It’s too late for private secretary to the Deputy Menteri Besar's Office Mohd Khairil Hazmie Yusof to retract the statement since he said that "the suggestion would be considered and discussed at the hudud technical committee's meetings."


A simple understanding of this reply is that the usage of the guillotine is to be discussed, meaning that it is not to be rejected outright but depends on the outcome of the discussion, with the possibility that the guillotine could be used.


Goodness, people should be clear in their mind when they talk to the reporters.


Hang Babeuf: Did he say it or did he not? Whether he said it in response to a question or took the initiative to volunteer the idea is a secondary matter. Did he or did he not assent to the idea, give it his support, endorse it?


Isis (Islamic State) in Syria and Iraq is said by some to be an Islamist "death cult". If Mohd Khairil Khazmie voiced or endorsed this guillotine suggestion, then what he is promoting in Kelantan is an Islamically-garnished "maiming and mayhem cult".


Angry_Voter: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom is encouraging Kelantan PAS to implement hudud knowing full well that this will drive a wedge between PAS and other Pakatan Rakyat parties.


This hypocrite will never agree to hudud if he has no ulterior motive. PAS fell into the trap. That says a lot about the level of intellect of PAS leaders.


Fairnsquare: PAS has failed and will lose Kelantan, too. Bring progress to the people rather than spend time focusing on barbaric punishments.


The fact that hudud is being encouraged by Jamil Khir of BN should be enough to convince these politicians that it is a rope to hang PAS. Forget hudud and develop the state or lose it.


Mosquitobrain: "BN government welcomes Kelantan PAS's move." Let's wait and see who is first in the BN government to head for the guillotine for corruption. We may see an exodus of many BN politicians to neighbouring states.


Anonymous #59879079: In this day and age, it's that simple to record a conversation for proof. The fact that you are blaming somebody or something now suggests you are doing damage control. Next time think before you speak.

Avatar 111: Hudud what? You can't come up with a decent way of chopping off people's hands. For a simple fact, it's simply too cruel and inhuman to do so no matter what methods you choose.


Prudent: Whatever the truth, the perception should doom PAS as a viable partner for Pakatan in the 14th general election (GE14), unless the modern faction boots out the ulama faction before then.


Tkosong: Blame others for everything which is wrong. You yourself can do no wrong. Even the high rate of HIV is not because of you, everybody knows that. You are not even answerable to the voters who voted for you.


Basically: No wonder Kelantan can’t control crime and needs to scare its people. You don't need hudud to fight crime, you just need a good, conscientious and clean and intelligent government and civil service.


All of which we have nil. Perhaps Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Nik Mohd Amar Nik can consider reducing crime by reducing the population of Kelantan to zero. Then it would have zero crime? Boleh di timbangkan ?


Inquirer: Please stay focused. With the Umno general assembly (GA) scheduled for this month, be wary of distractions and disinformation (and even outright entrapment).


Do not be over quick to respond, especially in the media. Do not score own goals. Let the other side do that for you in the proceedings of the GA.


MA: Spin or no spin, in Kelantan the truth is your scalps and limbs will be spinning off very soon. That's a fact which now all Malaysians are aware.


PAS is not too worried if their boys go across the river to Golok to have a quick fix. Why bother about health issues - let the federal government worry about the high prevalence of AIDS and HIV. They are more concerned about how the non-Muslims behave.


True Colors: PAS is handling over Kelantan to BN on a platter. This outcome will be even more certain than Kedah in GE13.The relevance of PAS in Pakatan is diminishing fast.


Otakechik: Don't waste time further to study. Implement with immediate notice. Let's see whose limbs will go under the guillotine first. After that, let's see if they still want them.


World Citizen: Banning, restricting, forbidding, chopping off hands and capital punishment are the lazy way out.


Guidance, education, enactment of good laws, effective enforcement, rehabilitation, are the better ways to prevent crime but require hard work which the lazy politicians find too difficult, so they take the easy options.


Anon111: Umno must have hired the raja bomoh to cast a spell on PAS, and it is working. Now PAS keeps shooting itself on the foot and keeps throwing rubbish at its own face.


FairMind: A guillotine and a "guillotine based on public opinion" is still a guillotine that chops off the head or hand. How is the report inaccurate and causes misunderstanding among the public?

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