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Kelantan PAS on merry way back to Dark Ages

YOURSAY 'How much more medieval can you imagine PAS to be? Using a guillotine.'

18th century guillotine for hudud in Kelantan?

Kangkung: It is the year 2014 and they are talking about using the guillotine to amputate limbs of those convicted of theft. Don't they have better things to think about? Pakatan has got to get rid of these Isis militants.

KSN: Does Kelantan want to go back to prehistoric times? Is PAS trying to follow France prior to the French Revolution? So uncivilised, for all their big talk about religion.

Not Confused: My god, how much more medieval can you imagine PAS could be? Using a guillotine to lob off appendages of offenders - unbelievable! It's time that PKR ditched all connections with PAS urgently.

Heaven help those non-Muslims who are bullied, coerced or tricked into converting to Islam. Malaysia is the butt of enough jokes from the rest of the world, particularly after our lame PM bleats on ad nauseam to any foreign head of state about how tolerant, modern and harmonious we all are. What a joke!

Proarte: We see clearly how Islam has been bastardised to the extent that it promotes pure evil under a guise of religiosity. Amputation of a hand for theft in the final analysis is idolatry which Muslims claim is 'haram'.

Idolatry in the sense that we are deliberately maiming someone as 'punishment' for robbing someone of money or a material possession. How can material possessions ever be equated with a human limb?

We are idolising material things when we are willing to butcher a hand which is vital to human life. How does a farmer who has had his hand 'guillotined' continue to work? Who is going to take care of the him and his family as he is no longer able to earn a living?

We are reducing the farmer and his family to a life of penury and begging. Is this Islamic justice? Surely not!

Fairnsquare: Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Nik Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah should put his head in the guillotine to see if it works.

Kelantan is going back to the days of the barbarians. If Kelantan people still support PAS in the next elections, then they all deserve the guillotine. With Malaysia sitting in the UN Security Council, the UN forces may be sent in to Kelantan to arrest these 'bodoh' leaders.

P.Dev Anand Pillai: With regards to Kelantan, one seriously thinks that it is time the BN takes over. Kelantan looks set to regress and go back into the dark ages. It is just too bad that there doesn't seem to be a great Malay visionary who can convince the Malays in Kelantan to return BN to power after more than 24 years of PAS rule.

PAS is becoming in Kelantan what it accuses the BN of becoming at Putrajaya. Severing limbs in this day and age will not serve its purpose. Just like the Tunisian who started the Arab Spring, such suggestions will lead the ever passive and subdued Malays to revolt eventually.

Bamboo: Kelantan folks, it's time to vote PAS out in GE14. Kelantan is so underdeveloped with the PAS leader obsessing with implementing hudud instead of improving the livelihoods of people.

Samurai: Kelantan PAS always blames Putrajaya for depriving it of its oil royalties for its backward development. But think again, none of the West coast states have oil, so why are they not in similarly backward state? Penang and Selangor have no oil, but they are the most productive states.

The fault lies with PAS' governance, not the oil. They spend time thinking about ridiculous things like this instead of how to improve the economy for the people. Give them the oil money, and I wonder what they would do with it, buy high tech guillotines maybe?

Onyourtoes: PAS, please face reality, you fellows have completely failed the people in Kelantan. So please don't talk crap to divert attention or to instil fear among the people.

Podeh: I can't wait to buy a mini guillotine as a present to my foreign friend; let him tell the world how we are living on the 'cutting edge' of technology. In the meantime, guillotine Nik Amar's skull cap and the parts underneath it.

Again, Malaysia wins the 'stupidity' medal hands down.

Boonpou: There is absolute no way around it. Both PKR and DAP have to divorce themselves from PAS. Forgive me for repeating. There is absolutely no other way around it. Best if Kelantan should become its own country.

Pack all these idiots into the state that soon will become a country and do not give them any visas by any means to travel to Malaysia. By then Kelantan will be able to match the Taliban and Isis in competing on who are the most outrageous and backward looking countries in the world.

It makes me sick to my stomach PAS is still a component of Pakatan. I try to reason and reason again and again about what make these idiots say the thing they say. I give up. I really pity the peoples of Kelantan, regardless of their ethnicity or religion, for having to come across these idiots in their lives.

Tulan: These PAS kids just don't stop making fools of themselves. What will it be tomorrow? Burn offenders?

Never ever vote for PAS even if they are in Pakatan Rakyat. PAS lost Kedah, Perak and Terengganu, and they still never learn. Before long, Kelantan will also slip from their hands. At least BN does not chop limbs and stone people to death.

Fair&Just: Kelantan is a gone case in the next GE.

Duke: I am kicking myself for voting for these Talibans in the last election. Never again.

MCA, Gerakan ministers flayed over Syariah apex court

Malaysian 53: Even without a Syariah Federal court, the civil courts already "fear" the Syariah Courts! There are so many cases of unilateral conversion causing years of pain to non-Muslim mothers and families.

Now with a Syariah Federal Court, they would next make it superior to our existing Federal Court all in the name of Islam. Again, the fanatic creep causing the problem is Jamil Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Jamil Khir Baharom.

He should have been removed long ago if Prime Minister Najib Razak really means anything about his 1Malaysia. The MCA, Gerakan and MIC ministers including the non-Muslim ministers from Sabah and Sarawak should be held totally responsible if this process goes through.

There would be a backlash at the next GE and there would not be any of these guys in the Parliament if they do not act now to stop the religious fanatics in Umno.

Rick Teo: Syariah courts cannot be equated with the Federal Court. This country is secular and not Islamic. So Syariah courts have no place in a secular country except to oversee Muslims matters. It is up to Muslims to oppose such a move or their lives will be filled with so many unwarranted punishments.

Anonymous #559621903: What happened to the Gerakan Youth idiot who is always shooting off his big mouth, why is he suddenly silent?

Lim Chong Leong Especially MCA, who is always screaming hudud, hudud, hudud during elections, where are you now? It's all election talk only. That is why people hate you, MCA and Gerakan.

Mushiro: Gerakan and MCA are beholden to Umno for the pittance ministerships that they are given now. Gerakan and MCA are not equal partners in the BN. And all the reactions that Gerakan and MCA display towards Umno reflect this 'slave to master' relationship.

Louis: MCA and Gerakan ministerial posts are given to them out of pity. And most probably, one of the conditions of the post is that they must act like donkeys. Just say 'aye' to whatever Umno proposes. Otherwise, the posts would be withdrawn.

Senior: MCA and Gerakan ministers are highly paid rubber stamps, how can they make noise in a 33-member cabinet?

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