YOURSAY ‘This is the kind of doctor that brings shame to the healthcare profession.’
Gender confusion an illness that can be cured
Jiminy Qrikert: I wonder what it is that drives all these doctors to come forward and disgrace themselves and their own profession by exposing their ignorance.
One after another, following on the dog-patting issue, these 'learned' doctors make nonsensical statements that even the average man-in-the-street with access to the Internet can easily debunk.
They must think their 'Dr' titles give them the right to spew garbage that they expect the public to swallow without question. They can do this back home in their kampung and everyone will gawk at them in awe. But not so in the cities.
Dr Mohd Amin Jalaludin has just become a laughing stock locally and it won't take too long before his global peers laugh their heads off at his expense. And his peers are plenty, from those he studied with, the medical community he is a member of, as well as the heads of higher institutions and other related professional bodies.
For Universiti Malaya (UM) to be led by such a clown is a big joke but UM students are not laughing.
This is what psychotherapist William A Henkin said about transgenders: "Transgender identity issues are commonly assumed to be about sex. Occasionally this is the case, but far more often they are about identity itself.
“Now and then, the sex of a person’s physical body and the gender identity of a person’s mind do not match. No one knows for certain why this happens, but evidence increasingly implicates genetic or other biological factors.”
Dr Mohd Amin, you do not know what you are talking about. You should just shut up instead of proving that you are a quack.
Berani Kerana Benar: What is an ear nose and throat (ENT) doctor, who hardly made his mark as one, doing talking about psychology and psychiatry?
Fair Play: If Dr Mohd Amin is an ENT doctor, that means he cannot see beyond his nose, much less in the field of mental health and mental disorders.
As a professional, he is a disgrace to his calling by venturing into another specialist field without the necessary professional credentials. Indeed, he is an embarrassment to the medical profession in Malaysia.
Ranjita Kaur: This is the kind of doctor that brings shame to the healthcare profession. If you want to be a politician, don't be a doctor.
Puzzled: Can someone nominate Mohd Amin for the Nobel Prize for his brilliant treatment of transgender issues?
I am speechless and have to sit down when reading such utterances that come from a supposed scholar.
Fair Play: Mohd Amin, are you a world-renowned authority on the conditions of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender or just another wannabe who tries to make a name for himself in the Land of Endless Possibilities?
If indeed you are right, don't you think the Western world, with their advanced knowledge in medical science of both body and mind, would have found a solution a long time ago. Why would they need you to tell them now?
The Analyser: I can't believe that anyone could be so ignorant of a subject as to publicly make such a comment.
Five minutes with Wikipedia would cast doubts on any bigot's approach to this topic, but this man confidently announces to the world that he has the thinking skills of a seventh century Arab. It's a great shame that "the religious approach” was unable to identify his problems.
Tsie Wei Yuan: Is the 'wise' vice-chancellor of UM speaking from his own personal opinion or is that after consultation with the medical experts in the area of transgender?
In case he does not know, the late Ayatollah Khomeini has made a fatwa that says transgender people are trapped in bodies of the opposite sex and sex change surgery for transgenders are the norm in Iran.
Peacemaker: Is this the same not-so-bright professor who dimmed the lights and dimmed the minds of UM students so that they could not listen to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim?
Bamboo: With this VC in charge in UM, no wonder UM is out of world rankings of top 200 universities.
Court: 'Insulting' to say transgenders unsound
Fair Play: Dear Court of Appeal judges, you have the utmost respect from the right-thinking rakyat representing all communities for calling a spade a spade.
Let's hope that those who use religious means as the panacea for all illness, mental or physical, start using their head for once.
Headhunter: It's a pleasant change and a rarity to come across a judge who is compassionate and courageous like Justice Mohd Hishamudin Yunus. You have my respect, Sir.
The Analyser: The only things transgender individuals are suffering from are the ignorance, intolerance and bigotry of the communities in which they live.
In 1973 (yes, Malaysia, that was 41 years ago), the American Psychiatric Association officially declared that sexuality should no longer be regarded as a psychiatric problem.
So it's only by Malaysian truly awful standards that Justice Mohd Hishamudin is compassionate and courageous.
Whatshappenning: In the first place, these people never asked to be born into this cruel world. They never asked to be born like that.
For those people who look down on transgenders, they will only realise it if their own children or maybe grandchildren are born like that.
So practice some kindness and compassion and have feelings for others. We have courts of justice but the best is to have courts of conscience.
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