'With friends like these, who needs enemies?'

YOURSAY ‘Anwar may have his faults, but we are not ready to give up on him.’

'We won't hit the streets for you again, Anwar'

Yap CS: Some people are just too immature. Is justice not eternal? Most people fight with and for Anwar Ibrahim because of the injustice or lies by which he was framed and imprisoned. Do we abandon him just because he is being persecuted, time and again?

Sure, it may be strategically difficult for Pakatan Rakyat, but on the bright side, he being the lightning rod can also divert the pressure off others toward himself.

Ekhsan Bukharee and his Lensa can stay home while we, the rakyat, stand for justice for Anwar. We will not miss Ekhsan.


Anonymous_1408265047: This young man reinforces all the negative perceptions we have about PAS and their total self-interest.

He fails to understand that it is not about Anwar but about principles. Any "manning of the barricades" is for the good of society, not for the good of the party.

Speaking Sense: With friends like these, who needs enemies? Thank you, Anwar Ibrahim, for giving hope to all races in Malaysia that the dream of a Malaysia where everyone - regardless of race, colour, religion, or status - is treated with compassion, fairness and honesty, can become a reality if we get rid of the biggest stumbling block - Umno.

Anwar may have his faults - we all do - but we are not ready to give up on Anwar yet. Unlike some fair-weather friends…

Anonymous #15544302: No one should be charged under sodomy in the first place, no?

Tell the Truth: Lensa, it's okay if you don't support Reformasi but you can continue to be screwed by Umno, which will keep all Malaysians - especially Malays - poor and uneducated, leaving your children to be beggars.

Anwar Ibrahim has made sacrifices at the expense of his life and family. You are indeed stupid to think that this is about one man.

No, it is about justice and if you cannot see it, then you need new lenses!! You are not Lensa, you are Langsai (finished)!

Swipenter: Isn't it sad that Lensa has come to this conclusion? What they are saying is to let injustice prevail because they have lost the true grit, tenacity and staying power to fight injustice.

What do they really believe in? For justice to be served to them on a platter by those who fabricate Sodomy 1, 2 and 3?

Anonymous_1391693662: I think Lensa is making a wrong move at the wrong time. There will be a lot more cases on Anwar till the day he expires. This is because of the fear the present government has of him.


Anwar has gone through a lot to reform this country. And I personally believe that someday he will make it. We are almost there. My support is always with him for a reformed Malaysia.

My Opinion: You young opportunist! Where were you when all the opposition leaders were wrongly sent to prison? Without Anwar, there is no Lensa. Without Anwar, there is no PKR. Without PKR and DAP, there is no Pakatan.

Keturunan Malaysia: Ekhsan Bukharee, if you or your organisation are tired, then do as what other tired people do: go take a rest and it should well be accompanied by tired mouths, which normally go with tired bodies.

There are many who are not tired and many more willing to take over the place of tired ones.

Black Moon: Lensa is very focused on its stand against Anwar. The youths who supported Reformasi in 1998/9 are no more the single and free individuals. They have better things to think of and worry about, than to defend an expired politician whose moral is still questionable after all these years.

Fifteen years have passed and they (the Reformasi generation) are now raising their families with school-going children. I don't think they are going to sacrifice their families and waste their precious time on Anwar anymore.

Jiminy Qrikert: Ekhsan Bukharee, you are exhibiting typical Umno-twisted logic. It is precisely because Umno-BN are continuing to persecute Anwar Ibrahim that we need to stand by him; not your twisted argument that Anwar is now too old for us to support. With friends like you, who needs enemies?

Mohd Zaidi Abdullah: The young are tired? The fight for justice is not short-term. It takes a long time and is filled with obstacles. It may even take up to the next generation.

Those who are tired can join others who are equally tired, such as (Anwar's former aide) Ezam Mohd Noor and his gang.

Cmfoo: Young chikus (Turks) have got no stamina, nor can they stomach the struggle towards the bigger picture for the betterment of all Malaysians. Sad. Really sad.

mikey!: Who is this guy? I honestly have never heard of him before. What makes him think that Anwar and the opposition need his help? In 1997 and 1998, he was on the streets? Doing what? Eating ice-cream while watching the protest in his diapers?

Bay Ta Han: Lensa has clouded lens. Their motto: Surrender when the going gets tough. Who are these jokers?

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