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YOURSAY 'If they spend public money, the public has the right to know how it is spent.'

MPs: KL city budget under Official Secrets Act

Slumdog: This is a prime example of a cover-up. This has to be a world's first, where a nation’s city council can disregard the need for transparency, accountability and good governance. This is ratepayers’ money and Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) has a moral and legal obligation to disclose its estimated revenue and expenditure for the ensuing year.

The obvious question is why is the DBKL budget concealed under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) if it has nothing to hide? The only conclusion any fair-minded person can arrive at is DBKL is attempting to hide corruption, fraudulent activity, over expenditure, wastage, inefficiencies in management, poor management decisions and breakdown in internal controls.

This is disgraceful and unconscionable conduct by DBKL and must be condemned.

Well Thats Fantastic: If they spend public money, the public has the right to know how it's spent.

Ipohcrite: How taxpayers' money is spent is meant to be a secret? If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be afraid to make it transparent. Resorting to the OSA is merely a guise to camouflage wrongdoings.

Yours and My Malaysia: What? How can a city budget be put under the Official Secrets Act? It has to be public information.


Terjah: Is this the way DBKL has been saying that Kuala Lumpur will be one of the great cities of the world? My foot. You have a datuk bandar who is neither here nor there in providing excellent services to all the city folk.

If the budget is under the OSA, how are the people to know what projects are forthcoming for them? When you increase and collect all the taxes from the people, you must spend the money to improve the living standard of the people.

If money and budget matters are kept secret, then there should be no need to pay tax anymore.


Mukhsin: Firstly, in a modern city like KL, we have an unelected mayor. Now, to not reveal the budget flies in the face of ratepayers. As the great, late Karpal Singh once said - jangan main main. Not with KLites.

What are the KL MPs doing about this, instead of whingeing on Twitter or Facebook? What's the plan?

Anonymous #19098644: They probably cannot explain to the taxpayers why and how they misuse the rakyat's money.


Anonymous #03815719: Ku Li (Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh) just said that with OSA, "thousands of sins can be concealed". I don't know what this BN guys are trying to prove.


Oh Ya?: Ku Li is right. The OSA and also the Sedition Act are the ruling elite's last instruments to shield them from the public inquisitions into their sins.


The Analyser: I wonder how public servants will get to know what they can and cannot do?

Nippon: They might as well put everything under OSA. Is this government looney?


Anon1: Every budget under the control of BN politicians is a top secret matter, because no one should know why 50 percent or more of the allocated budget ends up in someone else's pockets. How do you think they can give out cash handouts and other goodies to constituents during election time?

Fbnumno: When you hide something, the first thing that comes to mind is, ah, something fishy isn't it?

MP questions the selling of DBKL land lots

100% Truly Malaysian: DBKL's budget is under Official Secrets Act? This is absurd and ridiculous. Why are they so secretive? Is DBKL buying a nuclear weapons that they need to hide under the OSA?

How could the spending on a township be gazetted under OSA unless there are just too many nonsensical expenditures that are not explainable by the mayor of KL?

CiViC: How is it even possible for any budget to be under the OSA? Isn't this clearly saying they have so much to hide?

Hplooi: Before the British left Hong Kong, back in 1997, they engaged in active 'asset-stripping', or more accurately, 'asset-mining'. Here we have the same thing going on.

When BN is ever voted out, it will have already stripped this country of assets and resources. So for the ABN crowd (now rebranded as the RRR-gang) ,do not blame others when 'tanah-asal' is totally gutted and the majority of the common Malays are still below the average income-bracket... and worse yet, not even equipped to compete in the international markets.

Apapunboleh: OSA is more like the Official Sapu Act.

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