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Why not pick one of the 56 from the hat?

YOURSAY ‘Why the charade of nominations? In fact, why elections?’


Palace accuses PKR and DAP of 'defiance'

Gerard Lourdesamy: The use of such strong words such as "insolence" and "traitors to the royal decree" in the palace statement is regrettable in any constitutional monarchy that defers to the will of the elected representatives in the legislature who represent the voice of the people.


Even at the height of the constitutional crisis in 1983 and 1993, the palace did not use such words despite Umno denigrating, abusing and embarrassing the rulers on a daily basis using the mainstream media and at public gatherings.


The unhappiness of the palace should have been indicated in a private meeting with the leaders of PKR and DAP by the sultan's private secretary rather than issuing a public statement to the media or by private correspondence to the respective party leaders simply to express the ruler's disappointment and requesting for additional names if possible.


Indicting political leaders in public as traitors and insolent only undermines the impartiality and integrity of the royal institution.


What happens if PKR nominates Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Elizabeth Wong and Xavier Jayakumar and the DAP nominates Wan Azizah, Teng Chang Khim and Hannah Yeoh for the MB’s post - is the sultan going to consider these names?


Wan Azizah is the common denominator and the only Malay/Muslim nominee. However, the sultan can waive the requirement for the MB to be Malay/Muslim under the state constitution.


But while any member of the Legislative Assembly from PAS, PKR and DAP is qualified to be MB, he or she must in the opinion of the sultan command the support of the majority in the House.


At present, only Wan Azizah has the requisite support of 30 Aduns (state representatives). And if her suitability is in question, the ruler should ask each nominee from the three parties to test their support in the House through a motion of confidence and then appoint the person with the majority support.


Of course, Umno can take part in the vote as well together with outgoing MB Khalid Ibrahim as an independent assemblyperson. As Umno often says, what matters is the majority.


Quigonbond: I am surprised. I wonder if it is really the sultan speaking, or it is the private secretary that is speaking out of turn.


It does not even make sense that a leader supported by the majority of assemblypersons cannot be appointed. If this becomes precedent, there is no point fighting for Umno presidency in the future because as long as the YDA (Agong) wants another person, it does not matter if someone wins Umno presidency, the YDA can just appoint another MP from Umno with strong ties to that particular YDA as PM.


Lim Chong Leong: “Derhaka” is treason I think. Why the need to elect representatives when the sultan in all his wisdom knows what's best for the people?


Anonymous_ABG: The candidate for MB must have and command majority support of the assemblypersons elected by the people of Selangor.


The ruler must understand the assemblypersons were chosen as candidates to stand for elections by their respective parties and the ruler was neither consulted nor views sought on the choice.


The party commanding majority support formally submit a name for MB and the ruler has to accept and install the person as MB, as has always been.


Pemerhati: In a false democracy like Malaysia, Umno which wields dictatorial powers can turn the constitution and the law upside down and do anything it likes.


In the 2009 Perak constitutional crisis, according to legal expert Abdul Aziz Bari, the judges turned ‘the law upside down’ to come up with ridiculous verdicts and help Umno grab Perak. In Selangor, we are now witnessing the sultan turning the constitution upside down and deliberately creating a crisis.


The end game of this crisis will be decided by PM Najib Razak and Umno. To control the judges and the royalty, Najib and Umno use the carrot and stick approach. If they carry out all the crooked instructions given to them, the carrot usually is a huge negotiated contract whereby they or their families get to make easy millions (e.g. the Shah Alam hospital and the contract given to the wife of a former chief justice).


The stick used against the judges could be the sack (e.g. Salleh Abas) and for the royalty, it could be deprivation of contracts and being called ‘ natang ’.  

Malaccan: It is for the very act of securing the rights of voters and in defence of the constitution that the courageous parties are worthy of high honour and deep respect.


Their 'defiance' against what is apparently a significant erosion of democracy and the tainting of the royal houses should be lauded while their sacrifice for saving the royal houses from themselves is exemplary.


Greater harm has BN done to the esteem and dignity of royal houses before without so much as a whimper. Be that as it may, HRH (His Royal Highness) may appoint his choice. But the people's will will be spoken by their representatives at the first sitting of the assembly.


SultanMydin: May I ask the HRH sultan's private secretary not to put words in His Highness mouth by saying "kebiadapan kepada Institusi Raja' and 'perbuatan derhaka" in describing PKR/DAP not compliance with the wishes of the Istana.

This pales in comparison with what ex-PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad did when he clipped the wings of the rulers and institute a Special Court for them for any excesses that they may commit.


Nothing was heard about him and the apparatchiks being insolent and defiant to the rulers then. May be Mohamad Munir Bani may like to weigh on this and clarify matters.

Abasir: Why ask any party for names? Especially when the one and only name commanding majority support is clearly not enough?


Since the names of all 56 members of the assembly are known to everyone in the palace, why not simply pick one from a hat and call it the exercise of royal discretion? Why the charade of nominations? In fact, why elections?


Just pick the one who bows the lowest as Chubby Checker sings ‘Limbo Rock’ in the background.

Majority support of assembly is the pivotal criteria


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