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Mah, ask DPM who May 13 'reminder' is for

YOURSAY ‘When does a reminder stop being one and start being a threat?’


Mah concurs, DPM's 'May 13' just reminder

Lim Chong Leong: Instead of trying to find justification for DPM Muhyiddin Yassin’s comments, why not the MCA and Gerakan presidents do what they claim to do, i.e. represent the minorities, and ask the DPM what he really means and who are the ones threatening Islam, the Malays and the royalty?


Who are these people that the Malays will rise to shed blood against? Don't keep everybody fearing the bogeyman who now seems to be the Christian, Chinese and the communist.


So, say who these people are, and we will all work together against these elements.


Pikachiu: Yes, can Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong and MCA president Liow Tiong Lai query Muhyiddin who are the ones threatening Islam and the syariah court?


They can't be the foreigners, right? Otherwise, it should be war with the foreigners and not another May 13.


So the enemies to Muhyiddin are the non-Muslims in the country. How can Mah and Liow defend Muhyuddin?


Malaccan: When does a reminder stop being one and start being a threat? It's when the issuer of the reminder is also the one that allows, and does nothing, to stop the event from taking place.


With reports of an abundance of militants fighting abroad and training domestically, one wonders if such reminders will not be made to serve as a rallying call home for them.


If any such situation should arise, then let us remember who issued the insidious warnings and veiled threats and those who agreed with it. We have enough reminders of potential violence and unrest from the actions of BN-linked groups.


We have lived with such constant reminders since 1969 under successive BN governments. The ordinary people of all races and religions work hard at uniting, and making a better tomorrow for everybody's children, and will not allow it to happen.


The people will work with any government that will offer them the chance to live free from fear and will not steal from them and their future.


Tan Kim Keong: Mah is not stupid and neither is Liow. Who is Muhyiddin reminding that another May 13 is not impossible when he said that Malays, Islam and the syariah court are being threatened or questioned?


How is this not justification and giving legitimacy to the menacing behaviour of Isma, Perkasa and extremists in his own political party? Mah and Liow are only concerned about protecting their positions.


Tholu: With Mah concurring with Liow, we only need MIC's G Palanivel to concord with Liow to make the three parties the servile and sycophant trinity in BN.


I wonder what the Chinese and Indian voters see in these timid politicians who dare not chastise Umno leaders who are apparently engaging agent provocateurs to stir and stoke racial and religious tensions among the races in this country.


These leaders will have no qualms in selling off wholesale their own community's interest and aspirations for the sake of personal gain and progress.


Aries46: Mah and Liow are in the same boat - either they swim or sink together. They have little choice than to cover up the Umno racist rants and bungles now that they are well rewarded by their masters.


As to Mah's claim that the DPM fought hard for 1Malaysia; wasn't the DPM the first to pour cold water on PM Najib's 1Malaysia efforts to unite the people? Didn't he confess to being a 1Melayu first?


And by him stoking the May13 bogey now, isn't it obvious that he is fishing in troubled waters for whatever reasons?


Is it Mah's contention that after 45 years of its happening, Muhiyddin is so bereft of ideas that only a 'reminder' of the evils of May 13 would unite Malaysians? Are we so shallow and retarded?


Have we not progressed as a nation over four decades to be rid of such gutter politics that thrives on fear and threats against the people? What a shame!


Malaysia Maju: Any leader worth their salt and the mother milk they drank, will say "We will never allow another May 13 to happen" instead of repeating like parrots that May 13 can happen again.


This is the height of stupidity and a reflection of our leadership and their desperation. And Mah, you are a disgrace to Hindus.


James1067: This is not 1969. The scenario is not the same for Malaysians to be reminded of something that most have forgotten or are trying to forget.


It is the duty of the government to nip the situation in the bud if there is just a sniff of such an occurrence ever raising its ugly head.


Secondly, the authorities should clamp down on those who make disparaging statements that hurt the feelings of the different races. It should be done genuinely and not by taking sides on this serious issue.


Otherwise the public might feel that there is an agenda by certain individuals who want a repetition of May 13.


LAWofKARMA: MCA’s Liow and Gerakan’s Mah, whether it is a reminder or not, it is for Muhyiddin to clarify; especially when Mah himself admitted he had not read the whole article.


The right thing to say to reporters would have been "I will find out from the DPM what he actually meant." But do you have the guts to do so?


MacMac: Mah is not up to date with the state of affairs in the country? That news was 48 hours old and he has not read it? Read online news, Mah.


RKR: Mah, let us for a moment assume that the DPM has 'noble' intentions. Ask yourself who in this country is making extreme seditious statements if not Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, Isma, Perkasa, Zulkifli Noordin and the like?


Who is threatening May 13? Who has called the non-Malays trespassers? Who wanted to chop of the heads of our elected representatives? Who wanted to bathe the 'keris' in Chinese blood?


Who has refused to execute court orders in the interfaith custody battle? Who is continuously making imaginary claims that Malays and Islam under siege?


I can go on and on but, honestly, are you that ignorant? Or you are just sucking up to Umno because you have to make a living? If you have no plans to better this country, then you should not become an MP.


Well Thats Fantastic: Indeed, the DPM's stance should be that May 13 should never happen again because he will do everything in his power to make sure it doesn't.

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