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How has body-snatching ever come to this?

YOURSAY ‘This is not the first time body-snatching has happened.’


Teoh not a Muslim, rules Syariah High Court


KDP: Teoh Cheng Cheng’s Malay ‘boyfriend’ is the ultimate product of a she-goat in this sorry episode. He deluded her into thinking they would get married and faked a conversion application.


Meanwhile, he sired three kids that he need not pick up the bill for since no birth record would state that he is the dad.


As far as syariah is concerned, he committed no adultery since the female is not a Muslim. He just got off scot free. So much for justice.


The dumbest thing in this whole matter is subjecting the case to the jurisdiction of a court whose power only covers professing Muslims.


Corgito Ergo Sum: The question is, how did it ever come to this? This is not the first time body-snatching has happened. And neither will it be the last.


The authorities have to stop this and get a fix on what it should do and what it should not.


Joker: Why must all these 'body snatching' be done during the funeral itself? Can it not be done at the morgue at time of death to avoid a public scene? Better yet, instead of waiting for a 'Muslim' to die, why not visit the family of the Muslim who has not been attending mosques?


If the person is a real Muslim, he would be praying at mosques daily. The family members will then for sure can’t deny the person was converted without the family’s knowledge.


Waktamnoko: Well, at least the case was settled according to the existing syariah laws. I commend the family for being cool and not listening to all those instigators who were only too quick to jump on the 'Islam bashing' wagon.


Msian1st: Waktamnoko, I think you would agree with me that we should remove religion from government so that all this won't happen again.


2Kali5: We have a very sick society. Fighting over a piece of protoplasm that is now only fit for worms. Very disgusting indeed. I am sure the living have more important things to fight over. No offence meant to the deceased, to anyone or any party.


Otak-otak: Funny, chocolates allegedly contaminated with pig DNA (even though it's known to be halal) created such a big hoo-ha, to the extent of cleansing the blood needed.


Yet a dead body which was leading a non-halal life could be 'snatched' away as if the remains belong to them.


Wira: Will Teoh’s children, through the same ignorance, be spared from such pain in future, too? The grandma had better go read the biometric data on their identity cards.


2 Tim 1:7: If non-Muslim plaintiffs have to seek redress in a syariah court, then why do we need the Federal Constitution bequeathed to us by the British, or even the civil courts? The breakdown of law and order has begun.


The inspector-general of police (IGP) is defying an order of the High Court and previously the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) had raided the office of the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) and seized copies of the Holy Bible.


The rights of us minorities are being violated continually. As a matter of urgency, we must bring our case to the International Court of Justice and also to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. We delay at our peril.


Fateh: Anything is possible in Bolehland. Many a time, ‘authorities’ are taking the law into their own hands, making themselves the laughing stock of the world, and causing distress and agony to the affected.


Anyway, thumbs up to the Penang government for coming swiftly into helping resolve this issue.


Anonymous_4031: Malaysia cannot afford to import Talibanism. The trends are ominous. Act fast, all ye men and women of Malaysia!


We cannot and should not tolerate violence. Violence 1 begets violence 2; and violence 2 begets violence 3, and so forth. Conflagration is the result. Nip the signs in the bud before they blow up in our faces.


We want peace and harmony in this beloved nation of ours. To look and stand idly by is to condone injustice.


Ferdtan: If huhud were to be implemented, these same Penang Islamic Affairs Council (MAIPP) officers would be the official guardians of the new religious force. God save Malaysia.


It is not the religion that we are worried of - it is precisely these ‘pious’ people in robes who acted without conscience, goodwill, evidence and not following the due process of the laws that we are so fearful of.


You can have the best laws in the world, even the purest form of religious laws, if there are; but if the officers are all evil in intent, then don’t expect any justice.


This is especially for the poor and the unconnected who cannot fight their way out of trouble. For the rich and powerful - that is different - just a phone call and problems will be solved.


Even now, have you ever heard of any rich and powerful Muslims gettig hauled up for drinking beer? Yes, I have heard of a Muslim lady in Pahang once. She got caught, was sentenced to be caned but luckily she got reprieve after an uproar.


I don’t know why women seemed to be favourite targets for punishments. Don’t they love their wives, sisters, daughters and mothers?


Senior Citizen: To all the Jabatan Agama Islam, please listen. You see, weddings, birthdays, burials are all auspicious moments for non-Muslims especially the Christians, Hindus and even the Buddhists.


These have totally different cultures altogether. Some are joyous, while the other are sorrowful occasions.


Please avoid showing up on these occasions in your own religious costumes and attire. They simply don’t blend. What on earth are you all trying to achieve?


Do you want to be seen and to be hated by the people? Are you trying to provoke the people to be angry to a point where the people will get together en masse and start a bloody riot against you and your group?


It can happen and I say don’t provoke. Malaysians are a peace-loving lot but that does not mean they are going to take this bullying by the powers-that-be lying down.


Don’t you have some common sense? Remember, however peaceful and tolerant a group can be, there are still people out there with the energy, passion and the strength who could cause bloodshed.


Ksn: Senior Citizen, excellent. Matured, intelligent advice. But it is like pouring water on a duck's back for the fanatics. For them, the non-Muslims' faiths are not important. What they foolishly do or want goes.


Negarawan: Teoh's family must strongly consider taking full legal action against Penang Islamic Affairs Department (JAIPP) and MAIPP for acting illegally and inhumanely during the funeral.


The circumstances of Teoh's death is already a cause of deep grief to the family. They certainly do not need JAIPP and MAIPP to add to their grief and cause immense distress and embarrassment.


What JAIPP and MAIPP have done is unIslamic and show no respect towards people of other religions. How would JAIPP and MAIPP feel if a group of non-Muslims barge into a funeral of their loved ones and snatch the body away?


If they think this is wrong, then there is no reason for them to do this to non-Muslims.

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