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YOURSAY ‘Is calling DAP a ‘cancer’ any better than Umno being called ‘celaka’?’


Rid nation of cancer called DAP, says Isma

David Dass: Why does Isma compare the DAP to cancer? Because the DAP is sworn to remove Malay special rights?


Article 153 of the constitution is an entrenched clause. It cannot be removed without a two-thirds majority and without the consent of the Malay rulers.


In whatever shape or form, the DAP by itself will never obtain a two-thirds majority without Malay support. In what scenario will Malays vote to support the removal of Article 153?


The NEP (New Economic Policy) is not Article 153. By its terms, the government is required to help everyone irrespective of race.


The criticism made by the opposition of the government is the lack of transparency in the award of contracts and projects and in the exclusion and marginalisation of non-Malays and non-Muslims from government assistance.


I am apolitical and do not belong to any party. And I think that any government must be just and fair.


As for Lim Kit Siang becoming head of Pakatan Rakyat after Anwar Ibrahim, I do not see why that should be a problem if that is accepted by all the component parties of Pakatan.


The choice of who should be prime minister should Pakatan form the next government is another issue. There may come a point in the future when the Malays may accept a non-Malay as prime minister. But now is not the time.


Even DAP knows that, as PAS and PKR are Malay majority parties. They can be counted on to protect Malay and Muslim rights. Isma should not continue to stoke the fires of racial hatred.


StrainingGnats, SwallowCamels: Quote: “DAP is like cancer which must be cast out from the local political landscape.”


Is calling DAP a ‘cancer’ any better than Umno being described as ‘celaka’? Why is this not said to be seditious? Why is this permitted?


Is it because 'celaka' was politically played up to display the ugly and illegitimate supremacist or ketuanan desire?


Should there even be a prize for guessing correctly who is the real cancer that needs to be excised?


Hearty Malaysian: Who is Isma to demand or determine who shall lead Pakatan? Isma is the real cancer of Malaysia which continues to tell Malays that they cannot survive without special rights after more than 55 years.


It sounds like a propaganda contractor of Umno to spill racist poisons among Malaysians. Just ignore those idiots.


Aziz Kader: A great shame to Malays - Isma said without special rights Malays and bumiputera will left behind.


Does Isma teach how Malays and bumiputera to survive without privileges? Does Isma think Malays cannot survive in other countries?


Isma, please stop insulting the Malays and bumiputera. I never see any difference between Malays and non-Malays, they are equally good.


The people from Isma and Perkasa insult them like third-class people who cannot survive in own motherland without special privileges.


Pahatian: Yes, DAP is a form of cancer - a benign one though unlike Umno Baru, which is malignant. The cancer of Umno Baru is well-documented and it is destroying the country.


Thus far, what has DAP done to destroy the peace and harmony of the country? How have the leaders of DAP enriched themselves or their cronies? Please don't insult your own intelligence.


Negarawan: Instead of promoting Islam as a peaceful, compassionate, and progressive religion, Isma and Perkasa are using it as a political tool and running hate campaigns that destroy national harmony.


If Isma and Perkasa are interested in politics, then they should not hide behind the veil of Umno and register themselves as legitimate political parties.


ACR: It is said that the face is an index of a person's intelligence and Isma political bureau secretary Hazizi Abdul Rahman looks as dumb as he sounds.


Article 153 does not at all talk about rights. It talks about a position - a special position - made permanent after 1969 but meant to be reviewed after 15 years under the Merdeka Constitution of 1957.


It is amusing when Perkasa, Isma and other such clowns warn others to adhere to the Federal Constitution when those idiots know next to nothing about the actual social contract embodied in the Aug 27, 1957 Constitution.


The greatest lie paraded is that the non-Malays are trying to abolish Article 153. It cannot be done unless with the consent of the Conference of Rulers.


Even so, the legitimate interests of the non-native communities are protected under Article 153. Why would anyone want to abolish it?


Quigonbond: I'm asking Teluk Intan folks to read the articles coming out post-DAP defeat in the by-election. Told you so this would happen. And more's coming.


Hplooi: Isma is an incubator for extremism with extreme race-religion xenophobia. With Isma, you don't need Islamophobia.


Even if 1% subscribe to their xenophobic ideology, this will be enough to nurture the next generation of 'ticking time-bombs'.


If the government is directly or indirectly funding these groups, then beware of 'blowback' in the form of Talibanisation or Pakistanisation of Malaysian politics.


Proarte: Isma is an STD (sedition transmitting disease) which should be gotten rid of.

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