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After raiding funerals, now it’s weddings
Published:  Jun 5, 2014 10:15 AM
Updated: 2:22 AM

YOURSAY ‘Why is Jais so powerful that even the MB cannot stop it?’


Jais told me to change religious status, says bride

Turvy: I ask Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) this one question - would it have offended your religion so irreparably if you had waited for the ceremony to be over and the wedding to be consummated?

Did the universe of your religion, at that moment, pivot on that one single ceremony (also in God's name) about to be completed over every other sin being committed in the world?


What you did at this very personal level affected forever the lives of two people. I ask you; in the scheme of things as you understand them and the profound compassion your religion teaches you, is this most dastardly act justifiable?


Yours is a great religion. Don’t look to it for justification. Examine your own hearts and minds for your motives. The rot begins there.


MfM: If the case was the other way around, most commenters here would be singing a different tune. Just because Jais acted on a report, you go criticising them for crashing a wedding.


The person who made the report is the one responsible as they should have made the report earlier knowing that this wedding was going to take place. More likely than not, it was civil marriage registrar who reported it as MyKads would have been submitted for the marriage registration process.


The 'Muslim' status on the MyKad would have rung alarm bells in the office resulting in them lodging a report with Jais, which had to act quickly to prevent the marriage due to the requirements of the law against conversion of Muslims to faiths other than Islam.


We all know of those who convert to Islam just for the sake of marriage as well. These people are hypocrites or munafiqs as they are referred to in Arabic. They are considered worse than kafirs. 


Negarawan: How would you react if this happened to your own wedding? Not to mention the deep hurt and embarrassment to the couple and all the family members, plus the time and thousands of ringgit worth of preparation wasted.


The trauma itself is enough to cause a deep scar on one's life. And all these could have been avoided if Jais checked before the wedding, not on the wedding day.


I say that Jais has no human feelings and is a bully and troublemaker, to show they have power over the minorities. Muslims are supposed to be compassionate, and without compulsion.


HC: It's absolutely disgusting that Jais, who are already not typically reknown for their inter-faith tolerance, pull stunts like this base on tip-offs by 'members of the public'.


If this was my wedding, I would have gotten my relatives to hold these ingrates to the ground, finish my wedding and get them to call in me in a few months’ time after my honeymoon when it's convenient.


Anonymous_1401795891: If anything, it would be Zarena Abdul Majid’s father who should be held accountable for this.


Infringing her right to marry is one thing, making a big fuss over such issue while putting aside other more grave issues is clearly an unwise choice, not to mention the fact that they do not consider others deserve the right to peace at places of worship, as much as they believe they have the same right.


Anonymous_3f4b: Jais now goes after weddings after snatching bodies at funerals and confiscating bibles. Why is Jais so powerful in Selangor even the menteri besar and state exco cannot stop it?


Why does Jais make it so difficult to let a Muslim renounce his/her faith, instead of allowing it once that person has no longer any belief and confidence in Islam. A person should be free to choose his/her own religion and no human agency should prevent it.


Is it any wonder that most if not all Islamic states are backward, under developed and restricts freedom, creativity and progress for its inhabitants leaving them to seek better pastures in non-Islamic countries.


Fair Play: I think in this case, Jais has acted compassionately in 'advising' Zarena to change her name and religion, failing which they would have to act in accordance with the powers vested in them.


The only problem was that she had tried seven years ago without success. Let's hope this time, compassion and the rule of fairness would eventually prevail for her and her siblings.



Jais should've checked first, says PAS man

Sleepy: Muslims are the majority in this country, nobody is going to change this. Confidence and vigilant are to be pursued and are not mutually exclusive.


Islamic organisations in this country should spend more time to enhance the religion not pursue trivial acts to show who is the "boss", which looks more political than religious to me. 


SusahKes: Wasn't there an SOP (standard operating procedure) put in place for Jais to adopt, following the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) raid?


Weren't we informed that Jais would have to inform the state exco before they act unilaterally? What happened to that?

Fairnsquare: Zarena has confessed that she has not been practising Islam and yet Jais still insists she remains an accidental Muslim.


One must have pride in his/her religion, but this disappears when politics corrupts religion.

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