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Mah's 'don't listen to your kids' advice behind times

YOURSAY 'Mah is worried about outstation Teluk Intan youth, who have access to Internet.’


Gerakan blames DAP hate messages for vandalism

Ksn: What sort of advice is BN candidate Mah Siew Keong giving to the voters in Teluk Intan and the larger population of Malaysia (that they should not be influenced by their children when voting)?


Parents will listen to their children who are outstation, who are informed and have access to alternative media. It is the duty of the children thus informed to brief their parents about the abuses of the government.


And it is the duty of the parents to listen and judge for themselves.


Fateh: Mah is worried about these outstation Teluk Intan youth, who have access to the electronic media and who know a lot more about BN's nonsense.


Fair Play: Mah, you are a real joke, unless of course you are not married and do not want children.


Don't you realise all parents will sacrifice everything for their children's future? And now you tell these parents not to sacrifice their votes (their future) for their children's sake?


Nevertheless your 'appeal' sends out a strong signal that the outcome would be decided by the influence of the younger voters.


Overlord: The children are forced to work outstation to earn a living to support their parents, thanks to BN and its corrupt practices over the last 50 years.


If you continue to vote BN, then don't complain to your children that the pocket money is not enough as your children are already suffering now, and more so in the future with the Goods and Services Tax (GST).


Daniel: Mah said, "Your children wouldn't know that (issues), when you need service, you need a local representative."


Mah, if there is good governance, the civil servants, local governments and town councils would work without the pressure or patronage from the Aduns and MPs. Please ditch your old expired feudalistic politics and grow up.


Myop101: It is precisely because everyone focuses on local issues only (and not national issues), that resulted in today's deplorable state of things. The voters must remember that the rot begins from the head.


Yahoo: These outstation children were brought up and studied in Teluk Intan, so they would know full well the local issues and problems that Mah talks about. Moreover, they are more informed than their parents through the social media.


Mah, please don't dish out the age-old bribery tactics like allocating halls, crematoriums, promising faster broadband if you win - it does not work anymore.


Promises made from previous elections have never been fulfilled. Once bitten, twice shy.


Swipenter: Mah Siew Keong, you are so wrong. We are voting precisely for the future of our children and their children. We are also voting for the future of our country.


Umno Baru-BN has been in power since independence (but according to some kangkung academicians we were never colonised).


And now we are on the verge of being a failed state after 58 years of their rule due to massive corruption, mismanagement and divisive politics.


Ketuanan Rakyat: Children represent the future. Hence, parents should listen to their educated children on politics. The future is for an open-minded all-inclusive society, not racial politics like what BN is promoting.


Remember millions of well-educated Malaysians have been forced to migrate overseas by Umnoputra-led BN due to its shorted-sighted racial policies after being in power for more than half a century.


It is time to change to multiracialism. Let Teluk Intan have its first Malay MP.


Wira: Mah, the future of our children is paramount. We would be selfish if we just look at our present generation. The path this country takes with respect to good governance is not going to change with your election as MP of Teluk Intan.


Gerakan is so predictable and you will toe the racist and corrupt line of Umno, even though your people may whine once a while. However, DAP's candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud represents our hope to break free from the bigoted and corrupt shackles of Umno.


I don't expect you to throw in the towel. I hope Malaysians in Teluk Intan will choose wisely and reject you.


Casey919: The cat is now out of the bag. They have been keeping the voters poor, stupid and backward to win elections. This is the Internet age. Your half-century old doctrine does not work anymore.

Start digging for a hole to hide. A senior experienced twice-elected MP with a well-oiled machinery losing to a young, inexperienced opponent would be very humiliating.


Paul Warren: I agree that Mah is an experienced politician. Experienced in kowtowing to everything that Umno wants and voting with both hands all that Umno proposes.


He fully also supports the 'Allah' laws that exist in all the states and when he is called upon to support the same laws at the federal level, he will be leading the charge in support of it.


He has the experience and Umno knows he will deliver.


Abasir: Mah is telling the folks of Teluk Intan, "Don't listen to your children. They are stupid, they don't know."


Meanwhile, former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is telling Umno parents, "Indoctrinate your children, make sure they cannot think for themselves."


Little wonder the country is sinking on all fronts.


Onyourtoes: Hello Mah, are you asking me not to let my children decide my future? You don't get it. I have no more future; my children are my future.

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