YOURSAY ‘KJ is afraid if he gives a public apology, his Umno boys will go after him.’
KJ says sorry privately, DAP says no cure
Sali Tambap: It is commendable that Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin apologised. Not often do politicians from Umno apologise. Indeed, one doesn't hear them apologising.
However, what the Umno Youth did in vandalising the DAP headquarters was uncivilised and there is no excuse for it. We are not living in the Stone Age anymore. KJ’s apology should be seen in deed as well.
Mohican: To err is human, to forgive divine. KJ has often been a practical person and quite a fair one, too, at times.
But for a dominant party to show such uncouth behaviour is an ill wind that blows nobody good. It is time for everyone of us treat everybody as fellow Malaysians come what our quarrels may.
Idiot: Khairy, saying sorry is one thing, what is important is are you sincere and as Umno Youth chief, what are your plans to prevent this incident from happening again?
Anonymous #07443216: KJ, do you really have absolute control over your boys or are you just playing the good cop. If you are sincere in apologising then you must do it the right way, publicly.
Awakening: If an apology can cool down this matter, why is Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming insisting on having a public apology.
Since the apology is already on Khairy's Twitter feed, I would think that it is public. Unless Umno Youth persistently cried on this issue, then it is another story.
Franco: It takes a big man to apologise, and a bigger person to accept. Personal or public, everyone is now aware that an apology has been extended by KJ. So let's not split hairs here and accept it and move on.
How KJ wishes to handle and manage his troops is his business. If this happens again, at least DAP has the high moral ground.
By not accepting the apology, it only gives Umno Youth more ammunition to carry out further action. No one benefits if this turns negative. An eye for an eye only makes the world go blind.
Wira: Private apology is now turning public. KJ might as well have apologised publicly.
Anyway, I respect his response. It's far better and honourable way to take than that of the deputy PM, who should, like his boss, just shut his gap if he had nothing decent to say to all Malaysians.
Guyintheglass: DAP’s Seri Delima assemblyperson RSN Rayer needs to be specific and objective in his discourse. Name calling and labeling would mean one does not know how to express oneself.
I have been trained in that when I assess my staff's performance, I have to focus on the act and not label the person. For example, a person who does not complete the tasks assigned regularly - we cannot label that person as lazy. They may not mean the same.
Anonymous 007: How do you expect non-Malays to vote for BN when Umno youths behave in a rowdy manner. This is not the first time they are misbehaving.
They march to Parliament, you say sorry. They march to the Penang state assemby, you say sorry. They march to DAP headquarters, you say sorry.
Tembikai: Bumiputeras (including wannabes) claim to be ‘ketuanan Melayu’, but is this the role model of the tuans to the non-Malays? Is this the role model of Muslims to non-Muslims?
True Malays are a gentle race, but when contaminated, that is what you get - thugs and gangsters.
Waktamnoko: Anonymous 007, we will see what the results of the Telok Intan by election will be.
Hopefully you were right about the non-Malays not giving their votes to BN. But I doubt it as the non-Malays with the exception of a few will always 'sembah' to the BN and after that keep on claiming about the corruption, abuse of power, human rights, equality, etc. It looks more like a herd of cattle going to their slaughter.
Tembikai, this has got nothing to do with bumiputeras or whatsoever. This is a political squabble between DAP and Umno. So I would really appreciate it if you would please stop implicating the Malays in this episode.
As for gangsterism, every race in Malaysia was at one time or another contaminated with them, including yours.
Not Smart: This issue here is that, it is not wrong to protest but the manner the protest was carried out.
The previous huge protests such as the Bersih, anti-Goods and Services Tax (GST) and anti-Lynas drew thousands of people to participate who never "behaved excessively".
However, your less than 100 members carried out "excessive behaviour".
Legit: Khairy, your thugs have threatened to burn down the DAP headquarters. Besides your ‘quiet’ apology, what are you going to do about it, since the police and the home minister are deaf to all this?
Swipenter: Why can't KJ apologises publicly? He can't do it because that would put Umno Baru in an embarrassing position.
The series of mob violence by Umno Baru gangsters are not spontaneous but clearly planned and crafted since GE13. They are trying to intimidate us into silence and submission after they lost the two-thirds majority in Parliament.
They sense that support for them by the young generation of Malays are eroding by the day but still uses race and religion as a divisive weapon to camouflage the problems of the nation. At this present time of instant information, this is a very bad idea.
Terjah: Khairy is afraid that if he gives a public apology, his Umno boys will go after him. As simple as that.
Jbsuara: Many citizens have seen the video and can decide what this incident portends, if the wrongdoers are not reprimanded.
Such outright crude behaviour towards an elected people's representative should be condemned, irrespective of political affiliation. Shame to those leaders who condone this.
SenyumUnta: Umno's show of violence is to intimidate the minorities. They cannot accept the fact that Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud is standing for DAP.
Show them that we are not intimidated, but laugh at their behaviour.
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