YOURSAY ‘Others too can react violently to hurtful words such as ‘penceroboh’.’
Fiery protest a natural reaction, says Muhyiddin
Vijay47: Like the hordes of Umno thugs who violently demonstrated against DAP, unrestrained by the police and encouraged by their ministers and leaders including that 'English gentleman', I too am angry with DAP state representative RSN Rayer's use of the word 'celaka'.
There are countless other terms Rayer could have employed to better call the Umno spade a spade. He was too mild with his description of Umno gangsters, where my description would have been much more explicit.
Far from surprising, DPM Muhyiddin Yassin's open support for activities drawing Malaysia closer to fire and terror merely confirms his own lineage.
And while these rabid hooligans are bent on destroying the country, their lord and master who inexplicably views himself as a diplomat and statesman, is as usual travelling the world, head blithely buried deep in the mud and no doubt according much humour and entertainment to the world captains he brazenly meets.
Aries46: Is this what is meant by 'bodoh sombong'?
By contending that the recent street protests, violence, damage to public property, barging into the State Assembly, threatening bodily harm and to burn down the DAP headquarters by his party members was a 'natural reaction in defence of party honour', the DPM in fact has given his tacit approval for criminals to take the law into their own hands.
What he says amounts to giving a blank cheque to Malaysians to resort to whatever action, criminal or otherwise, deem necessary to safeguard the honour of their respective outfits.
The DPM must be applauded for his positive contribution to the appalling law and order situation in the country, noted for its selective prosecution and where the law enforcement authorities are allegedly at the beck and call of their political masters.
In fact, Muhyiddin's rationale would in turn set the tone for the Chinese to defend their honour against Isma's recent slurs at them such as pendatang, intruders, bullies and so forth.
Speaking Sense: Simple question to the DPM - do you condone or condemn your Youth wing for what they have done? Just a "natural reaction" yes or no answer please, so that we can understand what you are saying.
Telestai!: Muhyiddin, what is so natural about damaging private property, threatening life and limb? Surely the use of the word ‘celaka’ on an Umno member cannot justify such a mob reaction.
Are you saying that it is unnatural for the Chinese not to react violently towards hurtful words like ‘pendatang’ and ‘penceroboh’ hurled at them by people like Isma and Ridhuan Tee Abdullah?
Are you saying that it is unnatural for Christians not to show mob reaction when bibles are unlawfully seized? So are your Umno members the only ‘natural’ people in this country and the rest of us sub-humans?
Swipenter: Muhyiddin is confirming what we suspected all along - that violent and uncouth behaviour, gangsterism and hooliganism is part and parcel of Umno Baru's DNA.
Moontime: I wonder if Umno members ever heard of the term ‘proactive’? It's the opposite of reactive.
Only people with low IQs and even lower EQs have the tendency to be highly reactive, emotional and willing to protest over imaginary threats at the drop of a hat.
Calling derogatory names is second nature to Umno goons but when they themselves were the target, all hell breaks loose.
DAP, PAS and PKR leaders were called many names in the past but do their followers react negatively each time it happened? No.
Their followers were mature enough to accept the fact that when adults behave like children, let them be. Sooner or later, the tantrum will end and they (Umno and its ilk) are the ones with egg on their faces.
No wonder Malaysia will never be a first world country, no thanks to Umno and its gang of supporters with double digit IQ and EQ.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Such an irresponsible statement from the DPM. So why do we bother to have laws? Let there be mob rule.
So the next time Umno members use strong words against the DAP, PKR or PAS, does that entitle their party members to burn down the Umno building at PWTC (Putra World Trade Centre)?
This issue could have been resolved within the Penang State Assembly or they could lodge a police report against Rayer for mischief or criminal defamation or sue him in court for slander. It does not need a mob response like storming the state assembly building.
Does the DPM condone opposition Pakatan Rakyat members should they storm the Dewan Rakyat? This shows that Umno is so arrogant to the point that they think they are above the law.
Versey: Threatening to burn down DAP headquarters has not breached the rule? Pulled down DAP HQ's billboard has not breached the rule?
This is no longer just an issue pertaining to the political parties concerned, it worries the general public if the AG (attorney-general) and police do not take the appropriate action against such hooliganism.
Casey: For three decades, the fascist faction among the ruling elites have been using proxies to promote bigotry, fulfilling their insatiable greed for wealth and power; while the country rots, resulting in a massive disintegration in our culture, values, morality, you name it.
Double standards rule the day, and bigots are not being held responsible for their violent behaviour and felonies.
Now, without manipulation of the puppeteers and without being set into motion, would the mentally challenged bigots do what they did?
Lionking: Sometimes I get the feeling that Umno will destroy the Malay race and this is happening very fast.
Yes, probably the organisation was essential to increase the living standards of the majority race during the early years of its existence but it has turned into an extinct entity now and cannot cope in today's dynamic environment.
It is probably destroying the very race it is supposed to be protecting. It has not changed its methodology and it cannot because it does have any forward-thinking members who can act in the interest of Malaysia as a whole.
Sinner: My fiery (and natural) reaction to Muhyiddin's unstatemanly response to the threat to burn down buildings is that his attitude is indeed ‘celaka’. He should resign.
Anonymous_1371482984: Reading the comments from readers, my advice to Malaysiakini is - be careful. Umno thugs will burn down your building and our DPM will say it is just a natural reaction.
It’s clear Umno condones mob violence
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