YOURSAY ‘When they called Rayer ‘pariah’, is it not an insult to Indians?’
Rayer fears for his life, but refuses to apologise
EyesRolling: The act by several Umno Youth members in protesting in front of the Penang legislative assembly building and barging into the assembly hall is clearly an act of desperation, much like the crying of a deprived child.
This kind of action is what Umno thinks will win it support. It seems like a name change is in order. Maybe you should replace the Malay with ‘moron’ in Umno as the majority of Malays will not associate themselves with such uncouth behaviour.
CiViC: So when they called DAP Seri Delima assemblyperson RSN Rayer "bangsat", "pariah" and "racist", is it not an insult to Indians and his religion?
Truth: Rayer, since when does holding a protest is considered 'celaka'? Is this the double standard practiced by you or DAP?
When you hold protest, demonstrations and rallies, it's okay but others don't have the right to defend their beliefs? Must others who oppose you be called 'celaka'?
Awakened: Rayer only directed his ‘celaka’ remarks towards Kepala Batas MP Reezal Merican Naina Merican and two other Umno leaders, but we have a group of organised hooligans gate crashing the Dewan Negeri.
If the hooligans really wanted to get personal with Rayer, why gate crash the Dewan Negeri?
The real intention of the organised crime is to show Umno's power. A few years ago, we had an MP from East Malaysia humiliated a female DAP MP with the word " bocor ", but DAP members did not gate crash the Parliament House.
Instead, DAP condemned that particular MP in a more civilised manner. This is a real difference between Umno and DAP members.
After Wednesday’s incident, I suggest the state engage armed security personnel to safeguard the sanctity of the Dewan Negeri to prevent a repeat of such an incident. You just can't trust the police will do their job properly.
Naatamai: It's intriguing how the group was so incensed with the word "celaka" but used more lowly ones like "pariah", "bangsat" and such, and no one talks about it.
I suppose the issue is who started it first and then it's a free for all, or is it? No, it depends on which side of the fence you're on. There are groups who start off worse things every day but there is ‘no further action’ because they have tacit immunity.
Nonbeliever: It seems like the size of one's mouth is directly proportional to one's fist in Bolehland.
Anon1: Rayer, be a man and apologise to the assembly. That's not the kind of words to be used in such an institution.
I am surprised that the House speaker did not ask you to apologise over your choice of words. The rioters will still need to be dealt with under the law, which is a separate issue.
Fair Play: Rayer, you may be right, but not according to them. Their reason is simple but very difficult for right-thinking Malaysians to understand.
If you offend (insult) one Umno member, you have in fact offended every one of them, including their race, religion and the nation.
That's is their psyche because they are the 'ketuanan Melayu' and Umno, inexplicably by their inaction, might have confirmed it.
And what about the police? Your guess is as good as anyone.
Socialist: If ‘celaka’ is insulting Malays and Muslims, how come they can use the word ‘pariah’ on an Indian?
Mamaks are also Indians, but have embraced Islamic religious beliefs. Wouldn’t the term reflect badly on them too?
Apa Ini?: It's an unjust world. They can write ‘pariah’ on rotten eggs and damn DAP with words like ‘bangsat’ but you Rayer, how dare you insult Reezal Merican with the C-word?
That's so insulting to all Malays. Reezal isn't even Malay, not racially that is. But then race in Malay-sia isn't DNA-based.
Corgito Ergo Sum: Is this action by Umno illegal? So why has no action been taken? If it was the other way round, the perpetrators would been apprehended immediately, charged and jailed by now.
Righteous: All these growing by the day because of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's silence and inaction.
Sodom Me Sodom You: Umno should issue a dictionary of words that are not deemed to be an insult to the Malays and the Muslim religion.
I’ve not met a more emotional and sensitive organisation like Umno. No wonder the country has been managed so poorly.
Fateh: Double standard seems to be the going around in this country. They can use threats, hooliganism, ruckus, mobsters, but you cannot even utter a word to defend yourself. This is Malaysian democracy.
Malaysia Maju: I can't believe that the police allow these Umno members to behave like this. Are we becoming the Wild Wild West?
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