YOURSAY ‘Still not a word has been said by PM Najib. Shame on him.’
'Do it again and DAP HQ will burn'
Ferdtan: This is the best ‘present’ these rowdies from Umno can give to DAP, which is contesting the Teluk Intan and Bukit Gelugor by-elections.
Their behaviour will never be accepted by anyone, Chinese, Indian or Malay. Even in their hearts, ordinary Umno members would be disgusted but afraid to condemn them openly for fear of being called a ‘traitor’, as it would deemed to be supportive of DAP.
In Teluk Intan by-election especially, where the fight will be close, DAP must show the videos to the voters of these Umno protesters barging into the Penang state legislative assembly, and now threatening to burn the DAP headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.
As the Indians make up 19% of the voters, show them the kind of insults DAP Seri Delima assemblyperson RSN Rayer received from the racist crowd. This is to teach them a lesson not to play up racial issue. It cuts both ways.
We call upon all voters of Teluk Intan and Bukit Gelugor; if you want a peaceful and lawful Malaysia, then teach BN a lesson.
Vote against them so that these ugly incidents will not be repeated due to their of fear of backlash from the rakyat. People’s power to defeat mob rule.
Kingfisher: Unfortunately, it seems that a select group of Umno activists are attempting to take Umno on a dangerous path to precipitating civil strife. They must be stopped by its leaders with reason.
Attempts to bully along racial lines on a misconstrued sense of superiority is not going to be unhealthy for Umno overall in the long term and for the nation.
While the present Umno-led administration may seemingly have persuasion over the instruments and institution of power or even terror such as the police, armed forces and even the judiciary, history is however replete with examples of the dismal failures of bullies over time and the huge negative consequences for a nation as whole.
History enlightens that institutionalised subordination and exercise of terror is eventually more morally and physically debilitating on the dominant slave master rather that on those kept in subjection.
Those in subjection will at some stage mount dissent despite heavy cost. World history has lessons for all.
Whatif: What an irony. The actions and threats by these unthinking fellows have just re-confirmed the statement made by the Penang assembly representative (RSN Rayer) in describing the accusation by Umno Youth on DAP's involvement in May 13 .
P Dev Anand Pillai: They are just waiting for the slightest provocation to start a fight and should that happen, our authorities will stand by the sidelines and watch.
As all this unfolds, there will be some who will advise the federal government to declare a state of emergency and suspend the Parliament and all the state assemblies and form a National Operations Council - it is all there in our history.
Once this happens, they presume that the opposition alliance and the awakening of the people will be quashed for good, but will it? Will we, the people of this country, allow that to happen?
Bash: These kind or unruly behaviour by politicians from both sides must be curtailed. As it is, there is too much gutter politicking everywhere.
Politicians must argue their case well and not resort to name calling and trading insulting words. Construct well-thought-out sentences, use good grammar and maintain good decorum as expected of people's representatives.
Try not to take the 'bait' when there are attempts by groups out to create uproar.
Doc: I guess from the PDRM's (Royal Malaysian Police’s) point of view, there is nothing seditious about these Umno Youth's hooliganism and threats to cause destruction to private property.
By tomorrow morning, PDRM would have certified this incident as NFA (no further action).
Tpn: These thugs may one day resort to terrorism. The police must act now.
Disgusted: PM Najib Razak's Umno has gone out of control and it looks like some elements in Umno want to create another May 13 type incident to strike fear into non-BN supporters in view of the two by-elections which they know they can't win and would be a black mark on them that they have not in any way convinced the rakyat to come back to them.
Fairnessforall: I am really shocked that the last few weeks, there have been gangsters and bigots who have been threatening the non-Malays and not a word has been said by Najib. Shame on him. He is really a disgrace to Malaysia and is not fit to be a PM.
JoanH: Malaysia is in the hands of thugs. They can say whatever they want against Malaysians of other races, even condemn other religions, but when any statement is made against them, it is quickly turned racial.
And you can expect the government to say and do nothing against such thuggish behavior.
TehTarik: To these Umno thugs and the other Isma and Perkasa goons. How many opposition buildings do you want to burn? How many 'intruders' do you want to exterminate? Do you think that peace-loving Malaysians are frightened by your threats?
You are nothing more than 'tin kosongs'. You can shout and threaten us all you want. Many of us are amused by your childish rants.
By your immature behaviour, you have demeaned Umno in the eyes of all peace-loving Malaysians. What you pathetic guys need is a course in anger management.
Gaji Buta: Again, where are the moderate Malays? Can we expect any statement from them admonishing these actions and declaring that these people do not represent all Malays? Worried to be labeled 'pengkhianat'?
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” - Edmund Burke.
Siegfried: These hooligans do not represent the moderate and intelligent Malays. Being a Malay myself, I am utterly disgusted and ashamed at their antics. This is nothing short of barbaric and totally uncivilised.
Has Khairy lost control of Umno Youth?
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