YOURSAY ‘Umno Youth chief Khairy, it’s time to rein in your hooligans.’
'Do it again and DAP HQ will burn'
Annon77: Umno does not equal Malay. Get used to it. It will become more and more evident with each election.
These protesters at the DAP headquarters yesterday act like they're brave. That’s easy to do when you are given the green light by the government. It does not require a backbone.
When you don't have the mental capacity to articulate your points of view, you will look like this. Plain and simple.
While you're busy doing this, the world is passing you by. Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam and even Myanmar. Let’s not mention China and Singapore because their ships can't be seen anymore. Under Umno, Malaysia will never even come close.
Atilla: Only cowards go around making such threats, since they do not have the brains to win in a fair debate.
So, they think it's all right for them to threaten others. But if others do the same to them, I suppose they will go berserk and the police will immediately arrest the non-Umno individuals who dared to make such threats.
But if you a Umno member or from Perkasa or Isma, it's all right to do so as the police will do nothing. Malaysia is slowly becoming like Zimbabwe, a pariah nation shunned by others.
CiViC: Because of one word "celaka", Umno Youth retaliated with more "celaka", "pariah", violence, trespassing, disruption of public services, and now even threatening arson.
Pemerhati: The latest ‘celaka’ reaction and the previous nasty incidents (such as the cow’s head, pig’s head and chicken blood incidents and demonstrations that spew lies that the Malays and Islam have been insulted) are planned, financed and executed by Umno.
That is why the Umno-controlled police do not take any action. When Umno had the two-thirds majority in Parliament, Umno did not organise such incidents but after the 2008 tsunami, when it lost that majority and several states, it began showing its true colours.
Umno thinks that these incidents will benefit it politically as they portray Umno as the champion and protector of the Malays. The increasing frequency and nastiness of the incidents indicate that Umno is very worried that it may lose the next general election.
Now, PM Najib Abdul Razak and Umno are going all out to polarise the various communities so that they can easily start another May 13 - should they lose the next elections and continue to remain in power through emergency rule.
Kawak: Umno is unleashing its gangsters and hooligans to intimidate DAP. It also sent hooligans to intimidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, the DAP candidate in Teluk Intan, during her campaign rounds. Watch KiniTV .
Appum: Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, it’s time to rein in your hooligans. But then again, you could have inadvertently given your green light to them when you said demonstrations are okay but not invading the Legislative Assembly.
Or have you also lost control over your youths?
Hafidz Baharom: This disgusting act of thuggery, hooliganism and intimidation must stop. It doesn't prove that Umno is strong. It proves that Umno's leadership has no hold over its members, thus a sign of disrespect for the party.
Politics aside, Malaysia is supposed to be on a path towards political maturity. Does this show it?
This is why Umno is losing the support of the Malay youth in the urban areas. We are no longer interested in holding such uncivilised gatherings to intimidate people.
Proarte: Let us go through the issue rationally. Seri Delima state assemblyperson RSN Rayer was commenting on the incitement to hatred and violence by an Indian Muslim/Malay mob which was supported by Reezal Merican Naina Merican, the Kepala Batas Umno MP.
Surely, to threaten DAP with a repeat of May 13 (where there was violence and murder) which was clearly displayed on a banner as well as verbally, was indeed a very damnable or 'celaka' thing to do.
Furthermore, reacting in an undemocratic way by storming the Penang State Assembly and threatening Rayer with violence and vulgarities is also very 'celaka' behaviour.
Umno Youth and Perkasa do not have a leg to stand on to justify their gangsterism. They can only get away with this scandal due to inaction bordering on collusion with the security apparatus in this country.
By the comments of Umno politicians, we can see an obvious 'hidden hand' here. The rakyat are increasingly getting exasperated and disgusted with the repeated 'celaka' behaviour of Umno and their proxies like Perkasa and Isma.
Jiminy Qrikert: And Umno is perplexed as to why young Malays are turning away from them.
They must be blind, deaf and stupid, utterly so, not to know that every time their youth wing goes on a rampage, young Malays, especially the educated urban ones, see for themselves what they do not want to be.
And it is pretty clear they do not want to be part of Umno Youth nor be supporters in any way. That is why increasingly, young Malays are joining DAP which is highly cultured in comparison to the barbaric core in Umno Youth.
Like the rest of us, young Malays want a better future, better lives, better values, better role models, better leaders and better interracial relationships. In short, a better Malaysia.
They can see that with these uncultured uncouth thugs and hooligans in Umno becoming leaders of the nation one day, Malaysia can only be in ruins. So, like Dyana, they are rejecting Umno today to prevent that 'one day' from happening.
Casey: "Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason," said theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel.
The security of our country has been compromised. Not because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within - inaugurated and condoned by the powers-that-be.
A tyrannical and corrupt government can potentially be the most dangerous threat to national integration if it encourages acts of bigotry along racial and religious line.
Awakened: It is very clear that Umno Youth is twisting Rayer's statement from "Reezal celaka and Umno celaka" to "Melayu celaka".
It intentionally fans the emotional and sentiment of Malays by twisting the fact.
More elegant silence as Umno mobs run wild
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